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Feasibility Test for Production of 99Mo via Accelerator Neutrons

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1 Feasibility Test for Production of 99Mo via Accelerator Neutrons
A Primitive Experiment Measurement of 99Mo production with the high-energy neutrons generated through 65MeV p+Be reaction on natMo target [from a parasite experiment to the ASEAN-students program at RCNP ] by Hoang Van Khanh, M.Taniguchi, Ong Hooi Jin and K. Nakai Be target 65MeV proton Stack of metal pellets Mo Pellet 10mmφ x 2mm 1.6 gr Ni Pellet 10mmφ x 5mm 1 μA 142-kev –ray Beam on : , 15:00 Beam off : , 15:30 γ-ray counting : , 18:30〜20:00 Counting time 300sec Detector: Ge Efficiency: % for 142-kev –γray from 99Tcm 100cps

2 ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ Summary of the ASEAN-students experiment
Radioactivity of the first Mo pellet(1.6gr) about one half life after 30 min irradiation to neutrons generated through 65MeV 1μA Proton bombardment on the Be thick target was: 100cps/0.62% = 1.6x104 dps =16kBq ☞ 10 kBq/(gr of natural Mo metal) Enhancement Factors (towardsGBq) x20 bombarding time 0.5hr → 10hr X5 Mo-target 10mm thick [1 MBq ] X mA proton beam [1 GBq ] How to get mA proton beam. 30MeV 1.5mA beam exists at KUR J-PARC Injector  ??? New Accelerator at the cost of 6 億円 (+5億円 for building) ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ ⇧   comparable to the cost for importing100Mo 〜 20億円/年

3 } ↓Tc--99m ↓ ↓ ↓Nb-90 100Mo(n, 2n)99Mo → 99mTc Background reactions
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 10 20 30 40 50 mm Log(counts) Tc-99m Mo-99" Nb-96 Zr,Y-89 Nb-90 100Mo(n, 2n)99Mo → 99mTc Background reactions 92Mo(n,2p2n)89Zr →89mY 92Mo(n, p2n)90Nb 94Mo(n,2pn) 93Mo(n,pn) Nb 92Mo(n,p) } 98Mo(n,2pn) 97Mo(n,pn) Nb 96Mo(n,p) ↓Tc--99m Sr,Y-90 ↓Nb-90 Mo-99 Nb-96 Nb-90+β+


5 Road MaP

6 Contamination

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