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Clarity International was founded 22 years ago by my wife, Cathy

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1 Clarity International was founded 22 years ago by my wife, Cathy
Clarity International was founded 22 years ago by my wife, Cathy. You would all be more impressed and likely to do business with us if she was presenting today. We are a boutique coaching and training firm and work with clients all over the country.

2 We help people get clarity – We work with individuals, leaders and teams to get clarity about the thoughts/actions that impact their performance; clarity about their vision/purpose because life’s peak experiences and performance doesn’t happen without a clear sense of individual and team vision. We help them gain the shared vision that leads to conscious actions and engagement with life or with work.

3 No one wakes up in the morning and says today I’m going behave and act in ways that exhaust my energy and I’m going to do everything I can to exhaust everyone I come in contact with. I used to think that no one intentionally did this. May not quite be true. According to Gallup’s 2013 study 70% of the workforce is disengaged-20% actively disengaged. Intentionally trying to exhaust the energy of their workplace. Some version of this has been going on as long as I’ve been in the workforce.

4 Our purpose at Clarity is to get everyone on the same boat; using a common operating system and having a shared vision of how they want to be together and what they want to create

5 HOS We teach people an operating system to use to keep them conscious of impact and thoughts. When everyone has a common language and common operating system, life and work just run smoother.

6 Lights-On Living Moment to moment peak experiences produce peak performances
We have a tendency as individuals and organizations to focus on the performance; the metrics. We don’t always pay enough attention to the environment or the experience. Peak performance comes best and is most sustainable when it comes from enjoying the experience. We all know that when we are fully enjoying the experience, we perform better. Our work is to create the conscious thought pattern that creates a peak experience throughout the day.

7 Our work helps bring Spirit in the workplace
Connecting the daily work experience to the heart & spirit of every person Most yearn to be part of an organization that provides this

8 Just like my muse, Willie says: Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. Clarity’s operating system helps do just that.


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