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Abstract Among the six known functional human beta-tubulin genes, the TUBB gene is widely expressed and thought to encode the major tubulin in epithelial.

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Presentation on theme: "Abstract Among the six known functional human beta-tubulin genes, the TUBB gene is widely expressed and thought to encode the major tubulin in epithelial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abstract Among the six known functional human beta-tubulin genes, the TUBB gene is widely expressed and thought to encode the major tubulin in epithelial tumor cells with which taxanes interact. Mutation of TUBB has been reported in Chinese hamster ovary cells and an ovarian tumor cell line adapted for growth in the presence of paclitaxel. In NSCLC, Monzó et al. have reported TUBB mutation in 16 of 49 (33%) tumor samples from untreated patients and found a striking association between the presence of mutation and both poor treatment response to paclitaxel and shortened overall survival (JCO 17:1786). Based on this observation, the presence of beta-tubulin mutation has been proposed as the basis for chemotherapeutic drug selection in the management of patients with advanced NSCLC. To better study the association of TUBB mutation with tumor cell growth and taxane resistance, we analyzed TUBB in 25 NSCLC cell lines. PCR amplification of the four coding exons of TUBB from genomic DNA was accomplished by selecting oligonucleotide primers for PCR such that at least one oligonucleotide was complementary to intronic sequence. This requirement avoids co-amplification of the several tubulin processed pseudogenes that have high sequence identity within the coding region but are devoid of introns. Purified PCR products were sequenced on one strand for exons 1, 2, and 3 (57, 109, and 101 bases, respectively) and on both strands for exon 4 (1068 bases). Only two sequence variants were identified in the coding region and adjacent splice sites. Both were heterozygous single nucleotide variants in the third position of codons 187 and 217 that did not change the predicted amino acid. Each variant was present in one cell line and likely represents a polymorphism. Thus, mutation of TUBB is not common in NSCLC cell lines. Analysis of tumor samples is ongoing, however, the presence of TUBB mutation in tumor samples but not cell lines would be unusual in NSCLC where the frequency of genetic alterations of other genes is generally greater in cell lines than tumor samples. Alternatively, the previously reported TUBB mutations in NSCLC may be an artifact of co-amplificaiton of pseudogenes.

2 Introduction (1) Tubulin, the cellular target for taxanes, is composed of ab heterodimers. There are at least 6 genes encoding beta subunits of tubulin.1 In most epithelial tumor cells, TUBB is the most highly expressed isoform. Chinese hamster ovary cells and an ovarian tumor cell line adapted for growth in vitro in the presence of paclitaxel have been found to have mutations of TUBB4,5

3 Introduction (2) Monzó et al.2 have reported TUBB mutation in 16 of 49 (33%) tumor samples from untreated patients with NSCLC (all but two in exon 4). They also found a significant association between the presence of mutation and both poor treatment response to paclitaxel and shortened overall survival.2 Presence of TUBB mutation has been proposed as a basis for selecting initial chemotherapy for patients with advanced NSCLC

4 Methods (1) NSCLC cell lines
Twenty-five NSCLC tumor cell lines were selected for tubulin gene analysis on the basis of available in vitro taxane drug sensitivity. Genomic DNA was isolated from these cell lines by proteinase K digestion and phenol/chloroform extraction.

5 Methods (2) Oligonucleotides for PCR
Oligonucleotides were designed based on genomic sequence from the TUBB region from the Human Genome Project (GenBank accession number AC006165) using GeneWorks version 2.45 and requiring at least one oligonucleotide to be within intronic sequence.3


7 Methods (4) TUBB amplification and sequencing3
PCR was performed in 10 mL reaction volume containing 1X PCR buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 5 units Taq platinum, 0.2 mM each dNTP, and 0.2 mM each oligonucleotide primer. Typical cycling conditions were initial denaturation of 94C for 2 min followed by cycles of 94C for 30 sec, annealing temperature for 30 sec, and 72C for 2 min and final extension time of 10 min at 72°C. PCR products were purified using QIAquick Spin PCR Purification Columns per manufacturer’s recommendations. DNA was sequenced using BigDye terminator kit.

8 Results (1) Summary of sequencing of TUBB gene
exons 1 to 4 in 25 NSCLC cell lines Cell lines with variants Wild type cell lines (amino acid change) H23 H1385 H1930 H1648 (L187L*) H322 H1437 H1944 H2228 (L217L*) H522 H1466 H2023 A549 H1650 H2122 H676 H1755 H2286 * both silent changes H835 H1975 H2342 H1264 H1793 H2409 H1373 H1869

9 Results (2) Sequence variant in cell line H2228 using intron primers
Sense Antisense

10 Results (3) Why do these results differ from those of Monzo?
Comparison of sequence of PCR products using intronic primers with those using exonic primers

11 Results (4) Genomic Organization of TUBB Exon: 1 2 3 4
Oligos from this work: 4R2 4R4 4F3 4F4 4F2 Exon 4 intron 3 3’ UT TB4-F Oligos from Monzo: TP4-F TR4-F STR4 STB4 TB4-R (location unclear) TP4-R TR4-R STP4

12 Results (5) Location of 5’ PCR primer Intron Exon
Codons Sequence variants are observed when primers are located in Exon only

13 Results (6) Sequence variants found in the ribose-binding region of TUBB from tumor cell line DNA amplified with PCR primers located within exons. bp change codon codon change AA change type of change 474 A to A/G GAA-GAG Glu-Glu silent 484 C to C/T CGC-TGC Arg-Cys missense 487 A to A/T ATC-TTC Ile-Phe missense 510 G to G/T GTG-GTA Val-Val silent 518 C to C/A CCC-CAC Pro-His missense 522 A to A/G AAA-AAG Lys-Lys silent 538 G to G/A GTC-ATC Val-Ile missense 540 C to C/T GTC-GTT Val-Val silent 544 C to C/T CCC-TCC Pro-Ser missense 555 C to C/T GCC-GCT Ala-Ala silent 585 T to C AAT-AAC Asn-Asn silent 603 C to C/T TGC-TGT Cys-Cys silent 612 C to C/T AAC-AAT Asn-Asn silent

14 TUBB Pseudogenes (1) A pseudogene is a sequence which is homologous to functional genes but which contains mutational changes precluding the formation of a functional product.6,7 Processed pseudogenes have structure similar to mRNA: no introns, no promoter, and with poly(A) tract.6,7 Genomic Organization of a TUBB pseudogene AATAAAN14(A)n 11-bp direct repeat

15 TUBB Pseudogenes (2) There are at least 8 pseudogenes for TUBB in the human genome (see alignment of ribose binding domain at right). At least some of these sequences are co-amplified when using primers within exons. Alignment of the ribose binding domain of exon 4 of TUBB with 8 sequences from the human genome that may be co-amplified with TUBB using exonic primers is shown at right.

16 Conclusions (1) Mutation of TUBB is uncommon in NSCLC.
Prior reports of TUBB mutation in NSCLC may result from simultaneous amplification of TUBB, related tubulin genes, and processed pseudogenes.

17 Conclusions (2) TUBB mutation should not be used as a basis for selection of chemotherapy in NSCLC. The apparent association of sequence variants detected by TUBB sequence analysis with tumor response and survival in NSCLC remains unexplained.

18 References 1. Ludueña, RF Int Rev Cytolol 178:207, 1998.
2. Monzó, M et al. JCO 17:1786, 1999. 3. Owshalimpur D et al. Molec Probes, 1999. 4. Giannakakou, P, et al, JBC 272:17118, 1997. 5. Gonzalez-Garay, ML, JBC 274:23875, 1999. 6. Wilde, CD et al. Nature 297:83, 1982. 7. Gwo-Shu, M et al. Cell 33:477, 1983.

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