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Visual Perceptions: Motion, Depth, Form

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Perceptions: Motion, Depth, Form"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Perceptions: Motion, Depth, Form
S. J. Potashner, Ph.D

2 Two Visual Pathways in Association Cortex

3 Motion Perception Motion Generated 1. Object moves 2. Observer moves
a. Body moves b. Head moves c. Eyes move 3. Combination eg. Object & eyes move Optic flow Motion Analysed Superior visual pathway Object movement (MT) Optic flow (MST)

4 Motion is Represented in the Dorsal Visual Pathway
Primary Visual Ctx MT

5 Object Motion Analysis
Stage 1: Complex cell sensitive to movement of 1 edge video Stage 2: Complex cell sensitive to movement of multiple edges (entire object) video

6 Functions of Motion Perception
Movement detection, awareness & perceptions Guidance of motor behaviors: Gaze eye movements Pursuit eye movements Limb movements Trunk & head movements Locomotion MT MST

7 Depth Perception is Represented in Both Visual Pathways

8 Depth Perception – Far (monocular) Cues
11 Familiar size (2,3) Occlusion (4,5) Perspective (1-9) Illumination (10) Motion parallax (11) 10

9 Depth Perception – Near (binocular) Cues
Fixation Far Near Zero cell Near cell Far cell In many visual cortical areas R L L+R

10 Functions of Depth Perception
Depth detection, awareness & perception Guidance of motor behaviors: Vergence eye movements Limb movements Trunk & head movements Locomotion Near cells Far Cells Zero cells Form vision

11 Form is Represented in the Ventral Visual Pathway

12 Form Perception (Theory)
Primary Visual Cortex Occipital Assoc. Cortex Inferior Temporal Assoc. Cortex (Geons) (Objects)

13 Form Perception

14 Functions of Form Perception
Detection, awareness, perception & recognition of objects in environment Form vision Inf. Temp. Assoc. Ctx.

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