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2 Felt needs vs. Real needs
Studying the 4 personality types will help you to create better relationships giving you the answer as to why things don’t always work out that way

3 Felt needs vs. Real needs
Controller Analyst -extremist -egotistical -argumentative or rude/blunt -lack of diplomacy/ -lack empathy iNFLEXIBLE/UNCOACHABLE -gets lost in detail -fussy & critical -picky -pessismistic -cool & aloof -moody FEAR OR ANXIETY -pioneering -Innovative -Big picture -challenge oriented -proud FEARLESS -thorough -objective -perfectionist -good analyzers -honest -loyal DILIBERATE --oppurtunistic -enthusiastic -motivator -team player/leader -likes to have fun -great presenters DYANAMIC -inattentive or flighty -too trusting -unorganized -situational listener -poor with details OVERLY EMOTIONAL/ NEEDY -steady -sincere -patient -service oriented -logical thinker -tight cirlces -diplomatic EMPATHETIC -too passive -resists change -poor with priorities -stubborn -spectator -lazy -likes comfort zome ENABLERS Promoter Supporter

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