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Do Now Heading: Speed and Velocity

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Heading: Speed and Velocity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Heading: Speed and Velocity
Pick up an assessment probe and a graphic organizer from the front table Write the heading in your table of contents Write the Homework in your Homework Log

2 Please write the questions from the white board down as well.
During a soccer match, a coach decides to plot 4 different locations of his player. He used letters to show the order that each point occurred. Each tick mark on this plot is exactly one meter apart. Draw the coaches’ plot and use it to answer the questions on the white board. Please write the questions from the white board down as well. B D C A 1 meter

3 Vocabulary for the Day SPEED VELOCITY

4 Practice Problems Solving for Speed or Velocity
What is the speed of a lion that sprints 200 meters in 5 seconds? Car A is able to travel 400 meters North in 3 hours. Car B is able to travel 250 meters North in 2 hours. Which car has a larger velocity? A man runs one full lap ( 400 meters) around the track in 60 seconds. What is the man’s speed? What is his velocity?

5 Practice Solving for Displacement or Time
A rocket traveling at a velocity of 150 m/s North How much time does it take the rocket to travel 500 meters? Carlos runs for 2 minutes with a velocity of 8 meters per minute South. What is Carlos’ displacement? A racecar is driving along a track. At the beginning of the race, the car is able to travel 10 meters in the first second. By the end of the race the car takes 3 seconds to travel the last 20 meters. Did the car speed up or slow down? Solve for the velocity of the car at the beginning of the race. Solve for the velocity of the car at the end of the race.

6 Please write the questions from the white board down as well.
Now the coach decides to put the time above the players location. He starts the time at zero where the player starts and counts the minutes until the player reaches position D. Redraw the coaches’ plot, now with the times and use it to answer the questions on the white board. Please write the questions from the white board down as well. T = 1 min B T = 3 min D T = 2 min C T = 0 min A 1 meter

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