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Dr Linda Leighton-Beck Head of Social Inclusion Public Health

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Linda Leighton-Beck Head of Social Inclusion Public Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Pharmacists – simple 3 stages to make every Opportunity Count
Dr Linda Leighton-Beck Head of Social Inclusion Public Health NHS Grampian 3/18

2 3 stages to MeOC Awareness of MeOC approach Building a test of change, including any training, and review Continuing to embed routinely

3 Awareness of MeOC approach
What are we being asked to do to promote wellbeing and health? What is MeOC approach? Why do it? How can MeOC help? Are there resources to help us? Who else is doing it?

4 Prescription for Excellence
Integrated delivery of care requires and innovative models collaborative partnerships deliver the best possible health outcomes ... Pharmacists undertake enhanced role in preventing ill-health, co-production and minimising health inequalities. Pharmacists and the wider pharmacy workforce are trained appropriately for their enhanced role, pre and post qualification.

5 Overarching principles of NICE good practice
Use a standard approach Personalised approach , continuity, under-served groups, knowledge of local area, using staff skills. Promote community pharmacies – Pharmacies form part of the care service, often first point of contact. Use every opportunity – signposting and referral

6 Community Pharmacy Contract – Public Health Service
Public Health Service covers three core activities: health promoting philosophy health promoting activities health promoting environment.

7 Pharmacies enabling people

8 Supporting people at greater risk
People who are vulnerable People who are dependent People at greater risk of ill health People with money worries People who are older People with existing health issues People with limited mobility.....

9 Health inequalities

10 signposting and referral
MeOC 3 tiers Complex needs 3. Structured wellbeing conversation for complex needs 2. Specific conversation e.g. alcohol, money concerns, wellbeing, home energy, smoking, housing etc Specific needs 1. Light touch conversation - signposting and referral Brief

11 Focus on Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1

12 You don’t have to know everything
Cash in Your Pocket Signpost to others who do!

13 Core PHS activities – MeOC helps you to:
Promote self care Encourage a more pro-active approach to self-care Provide access to appropriate information, materials and advice Offer opportunistic support to promote wellbeing Use window/frontage /display space in pharmacies to promote health Consider a rolling programme of pharmacy based wellbeing activities


15 Yes No

16 Building a test of change, training, and review
What wellbeing needs to our customers have? What 3-4 will we prioritise? What information/resource will we use? Where will we get it? How will we identify and converse with the customer? When and over what time period will we do this? How will we advise all customers of our service? What 2-3 markers of success will we agree and capture/measure? When will we review progress? Who is doing what? What skills do we have? Do we need any extra training ?

17 Building a test – tips (1)
Keeping it simple Conversation to enable Profile of customers? What does it look like? Expectations of customers on health and wellbeing pharmacy service? Changing expectations? What health and wellbeing priorities are important to your particular pharmacy? Where can you get information for your customers e. g. on concerns about money, benefit, employment? What messaging does pharmacy currently use?

18 Building a test-tips (2)
What is it about the messaging? Building on good practice? Existing skills and systems in your pharmacy? How can MeOC approach add value to your pharmacy? Added value – for example - for the role of the Pharmacy Assistant? What links does your pharmacy have with other local services/initiatives ? Provision of materials - tools, messages, signposting? Benefits of a wellbeing ‘card’? Access to videos? Introduce a test of change?

19 Building a testing -tips (3) Agreement with Pharmacy - example
To support community pharmacy public health service activities , initial focus: *People who may have a caring role *People who may benefit from accessing information to help young mums/families *People who may benefit from being able to access support for mental wellbeing including stress.

20 Building a test – tips (4) Markers of success agreed - example
Number of MeOC conversations Number of people signposted to services Handful of brief case studies captured by staff to illustrate impact.

21 Connecting people to services
Making every Opportunity Count – easy tools to help Specific needs Connecting people to services Brief

22 You Matter! Looking after your health and wellbeing is important Find out about local help if you need it Sample poster created with MeOC proof of concept pharmacy Support & friendship for families Are you a carer? Tips on looking after yourself Money concerns? Want to know more? – ask our Pharmacy staff at the counter

23 The ripple effect... When someone makes a change the ripples spread outwards and other people, family and friends, are more likely to begin to take steps...

24 Resources (1) Includes Toolboxes

25 E-learning – 40 minutes Health Behaviour Change Level 1 : AT learning - Welfare Reform :  AT learning – Making Every Opportunity Count (MeOC) – Module 1 - Brief Encounters :

26 Continuing to embed routinely
Learn from your test of change Review why, what, when, who Agree clear processes to sustain change Agree how a simple metric – brief wellbeing conversation and/or signposting – is captured and reported in your locality/HSCP. Enjoy adding value and opportunity for your customers Keep in touch with your local MeOC leads for support!

27 For support and advice – MeOC contacts
Moray - Susan Johnston - Aberdeenshire – Emma Condon – and Karen Hudson Aberdeen City – Linda Leighton-Beck (pro tem)



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