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A Strategy to Enhance Assessment and Feedback Sheila Oliver Director of Assessment School of Dentistry.

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Presentation on theme: "A Strategy to Enhance Assessment and Feedback Sheila Oliver Director of Assessment School of Dentistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Strategy to Enhance Assessment and Feedback Sheila Oliver Director of Assessment School of Dentistry

2 Undergraduate and Postgraduate Assessment and Feedback Unique nature of course – early clinical contact performing irreversible procedures on patients Assessing knowledge, skills and attitude Challenges of ensuring and assessing competence

3 Purpose of assessment Students Staff Patients Stakeholders – University, General Dental Council and Royal Colleges of Surgeons, University Health Board

4 To provide better information on feedback to students School of Dentistry Response - Assessment Blueprint Calendar of all assessment tasks Named Assessment Lead Description of task Formative /summative Start / submission date Results release date

5 Assessment Blueprint Feedback on task When it can be expected Format ( dependent on whether summative/formative) One to one, cohort, electronic etc Workload monitoring Staff and students- pathway to monitor changes/ new tasks

6 Quality assurance Feedback Templates Summative – feedback comments mapped against marking criteria Formative - strengths/weaknesses and tips for future improvement

7 Quality Assurance Electronic eg GradeMark GradeMark project (Medical Nursing Dental) Essays, case reports, project tasks

8 Quality Assurance Staff Development Sessions Part time clinical supervisors Full time clinical academics/academics Dental Education Module Postgraduate – develop trainers/teachers Student Contribution Evaluation of feedback – quantitative/ qualitative (research projects-ADEE ) Development new ideas/ownership

9 Quality Assurance Managing expectations Importance of communication between assessors, academic office and the students Understanding of School marking strategies – understanding time needed

10 Developing students capacity to engage with and learn from feedback Bite-Size Guide to Feedback Structured approach to reflecting on assessment task and feedback received Identifying learning needs Personal learning plan to inform future learning Framework to discuss progress with personal tutor

11 To infinity and beyond? Or where do we go from here? Evaluate success of Assessment Blueprint Evaluate success and quality of feedback with templates and GradeMark Review balance assessment tasks/feedback (New GDC learning outcomes) Ensure assessment tools fit for purpose Evaluate implementation of Schools and University assessment strategy Continuum of education

12 A final thought on Feedback!!

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