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Citizen Survey and Neighborhood Feedback City of Wichita District IV Spring/Summer 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen Survey and Neighborhood Feedback City of Wichita District IV Spring/Summer 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizen Survey and Neighborhood Feedback City of Wichita District IV Spring/Summer 2013

2 Citizen Survey In Spring 2013, District IV citizens were given a survey regarding five different topics of discussion – transportation; health and environment; culture, recreation and parks; public safety; and jobs and economic development. Following are the questions the respondents answers.

3 Citizen Survey – Transportation When asked which transportation issues are most important in your everyday life, citizens responded that street maintenance was the most important issue of transportation facing them today. Some felt that the south end of the City gets neglected in street repair and maintenance projects and would like to see that changed. They also feel highways are important too, especially the I-235/Kellogg interchange.

4 Citizen Survey – Health and Environment Citizens taking this survey responded that conserving our water supply is the most important environmental issue to them presently. The flooding of Cow and Calf Skin Creeks and other areas in the district are also of great concern to them.

5 Citizen Survey – Culture, Recreation and Parks Those participating in this survey were asked what recreation activities they were willing to fund with their tax dollars. Libraries and parks were the most popular selections in this category. There was also a willingness to fund swimming pools and recreation centers by some the citizens responding also. They would like to see more promotion of the park and recreation facilities in the area, including reopening Osage Recreation Center.

6 Citizen Survey – Public Safety The question posed to citizens asked what level of satisfaction they have with current police, fire, EMS, corrections and court services. Most said that they were satisfied with all of these services. A couple of people stated that they have concerns about the daily operations of the court system (length of sentences, relocating of offenders to this area, etc.) Those taking the survey also stated that they would like to see increased police presence to prevent crime, speeding and other traffic violations.

7 Citizen Survey – Jobs and Economic Development Respondents were also asked if they were able to find suitable employment in Wichita to adequately provide for themselves and their family. Most of those answering stated that they were retired. Of those that were in the workforce, slightly more stated that they were able to find an adequate job in Wichita than those that said they were not able to find decent jobs.

8 Citizen Survey – Additional Comments/Concerns A few citizens taking the survey also indicated that they were concerned about property tax increases, increased City debt service and the City providing economic development incentives to businesses.

9 Neighborhood Meeting Feedback In Spring/Summer 2013, Councilmember Blubaugh attended neighborhood meetings in the District IV and asked them to write down their top three current concerns in their neighborhoods that can be addressed in the next 12 -18 months. Below are the citizen responses from those meetings.

10 Southwest NA 4/23/13 Citizens attending this meeting desired more police engagement and outreach with citizens. Those present also expressed a need for street repair and better drainage in their neighborhoods. Yet another issue is property cleanup, in particular, the Kansas Can property and abandoned cars in the neighborhoods.

11 Southern Ridge HOA 4/24/13 The top concerns expressed at this meeting by citizens were crime and safety. Vandalism and burglary; as well as, all other criminal activity taking part in the neighborhood was mentioned. Another issue brought up was street maintenance. Citizens reported roads in their neighborhoods that had cracks and potholes and were dirty. Traffic enforcement was also an issue for this neighborhood, especially speeding in residential neighborhoods and drag racing on West Pawnee Street. Water was another concern, particularly in regards to banning private wells or increasing water rates.

12 District Breakfast 5/11/13 The top issues mentioned by citizens that attended our first district breakfast were water conservation, side street repair and criminal activity in the neighborhood (i.e. scrap metal theft, auto theft, vacant houses, drug activity)

13 Southwest Village NA 5/13/13 Increased police presence and protection was the number one priority according to citizens at this neighborhood meeting. Speeding down 31 st Street South and a request for a stop light at West and I-235 were also mentioned. Property cleanup and street repair were also listed.

14 District Breakfast (Question 1) 6/29/13 Participants at this meeting were asked two questions: The first question asked was if they would be in favor of a tax increase to support core City services (police, fire, streets, etc.) Half of the respondents said that they would be in favor of such an increase and the other half said that they would not. Of those that approved of a tax increase, more said that they would prefer an increase in sales tax and three said that they would prefer a property tax increase.

15 District Breakfast (Question 2) 6/29/13 The second question given to participants asked if they were in favor of building a new library or remodeling the old one. Two to one stated that they would rather remodel the existing library instead of build a new one.

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