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Quantitative Methods Workshop

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1 Quantitative Methods Workshop
Quantitative Methods Workshop Reducing residential sector dependence on fossil fuels: a study of motivating factors Sven Hallin PhD Graduate Thursday 16th June 2016 Supervisors: Professor Thomas Weyman-Jones Dr Elizabeth Hooper

2 Philosophical Research Perspective
Background Philosophical Research Perspective ? Positivist with some interpretivist content.

3 Methodological Choice in my PhD Research 1
Quantitative 7 Core UK Case Studies Predictive measurement of their energy use Actual measurement of their energy use Temperature measurement in their dwellings Assessment of their dwellings in terms of type, size, construction, etc.

4 UK householder case studies

5 Methodological Choice in my PhD Research 2
Qualitative Semi-structured Interviews Focus Group Interviews were detailed, with questions designed to gather a rich data set which would explain participant’s motivations around energy use

6 Sampling Strategy Available participants were limited due to time and cost Attributes of participants were considered important Detailed information was not available on the total sample population The technique of “snowballing” was used to discover suitable candidates

7 Conclusion There was a lack of clarity around occupant behaviour
For example previous research postulated: The Green Deal offered an economic incentive Problems included potential negative NPV from retrofits (Hassett & Metcalf 1993) People make poor choices and need to be nudged in the “right” direction (Thaler 1994) Problems include convincing others what is right A persons social identity determined their choices (Ackerlof & Kranton 2000, Vale & Vale 2010) Problems include the time and method to influence social identity People will respond to the “real” cost of carbon emissions, if it is priced into the market (Tol,2007, Stern 2009) Problems include measuring the real cost People are more risk averse to the prospect of losing money than gaining it because they look at potential values of outcomes rather than probabilities. Utility is reference based rather than additive (Kahneman 2011) Problems include overcoming this heuristic (mental shortcut) bias

8 UK Case Studies Inferred Statement Mixed View Negative view
Positive View Balance of view People don't think that rationally 7 Positive The government should nudge us in the right direction 1 4 Government regulation is important in residential energy use Financial situation is the driver behind energy use 3 What is your attitude to the Green Deal Uncertain * Positive views agreed with the inferred statement, Negative views disagreed with the inferred statement, Uncertain views were mixed. Participants all generally agreed that people don't necessarily think rationally, government regulation was important, finance was a key driver to energy use and that attitudes to the Green Deal were negative or mixed.

9 Thank you Any Questions?

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