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Introduction to Biology

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1 Introduction to Biology
Objectives: Define Biology List the themes of biology List branches of biology Describe characteristics of living things

2 Biology Biology- Study of all living things
40 million organisms- 2 million have been identified Biology is the study of living organisms. This ranges from microscopic organisms to studying the interaction of the organism and their interactions with their environments. Scientists estimate that 40 million organisms exist on the earth however, only 2 million have been identified.

3 Branches of Biology Ecology-study of living organisms and their interaction with their environment Zoology- Study of animals Entomology- Study of insects Botany- Study of Plants Anatomy- Study of the body There are many different branches of biology. These are some examples of some of the branches that we will be studying. We will be looking at other branches of biology as we move through the year.

4 Characteristics of Living Things
1. Made of cells a. Unicellular: one-celled b. Multicellular: Many celled c. Many different types of cells 2. Use Energy a. Metabolism: sum of all of the chemical processes that occur in the organism: (digestion, ingestion, egestion) 3 Homeostasis: Maintain stable internal conditions. ie: temperature and water

5 Characteristics of Life Con’t
Grow and Develop a. Increase in cell size and cell number Reproduction a. Necessary for species to continue b. sexual: involves union of gametes, genetically different asexual: does not involve the union of gametes, genetically same

6 Characteristics of Living Things Con’t
Heredity: Pass characteristics or traits from one generation to the next. a. Genes: sets of inherited instructions for making proteins b. DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid- determines traits c. Mutations: a change in the DNA of a gene Adapt a. Organisms have evolved or adapted to live and interact with their environments and other organisms.

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