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Beachside Comprehensive

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Presentation on theme: "Beachside Comprehensive"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was Ball’s educational research into setting and streaming called?

2 Beachside Comprehensive

3 What is the halo effect?

4 A stereotype held by a teacher which tends to be good

5 What is the Hawthorne Effect?

6 Is where the influence of the researcher changes the behaviour of those people being studied

7 What is interviewer bias?

8 Where the answers being given in an interview are influenced by the interviewer

9 Identify one problem researching media violence.

10 Defining what is violent, ethical issues, variables on the study, difficult to measure the effects

11 What is ethnocentric education?

12 Where other cultures are viewed through one dominant culture and so a school curriculum will be biased towards white history

13 How might you defend the role of private schools?

14 People should be allowed to choose where they send their children

15 What perspective on education did Althussar have?

16 Marxist

17 What did Althussar see state education as being?

18 He saw state education as being an ideological state apparatus, because education is used to prepare and control children for work

19 What is the division of labour?

20 This is where schools identify who will be the future solicitors and bin-men, this is done by the less able kids being put in bottom sets while able kids are put in the top sets

21 What did functionalists mean when they said education meets a functional prerequisite

22 education passes on societies core values

23 Why might a closed questionnaire be seen as more reliable than an open interview?

24 Unlike open interviews, closed questionnaires can be repeated time after time as the structure remains the same

25 Identify one problem with covert observations

26 Leaving the group, recording events, ethical issues,

27 What did the feminist Sue Sharpe look at in her Just Like a Girl Study into education in 1976 and then a follow up study in 1994

28 She found out that the girls of this period focused on love, marriage, then in 1994 she found these priorities had changed and girls now valued careers, education

29 What did feminist Becky Francis study in 2000

30 it confirmed Sharpe’s findings and find girls were now extremely career minded and saw education and university as key to getting a good career

31 What was the main idea in Paul Willis’s work?

32 Learning to Labour how working class kids get working class jobs

33 What did Bowles and Ginitis focus on and what perspective on education did they hold?

34 The long shadow of work – Marxist’s postion

35 If a sociologist has on interactionist perspective on education, what are they focusing on?

36 Factors/ events in the classroom

37 What did Fuller’s (1980) research into the behaviour of Afro-Caribbean girls discover?

38 His study at a London Comprehensive school found that Afro-Caribbean girls’ rejected the stereotypical label given to them by their teachers and worked hard at school

39 What did the Ofsted and Dfes reports of 2000 and 2005 discover about the labelling of ethnic minorities in schools?

40 The reports found that teacher labelling does affect of black pupils does become a self-fulfilling prophecy and could account for the hostility some ethnic groups have to schooling.

41 Identify two interpretive and positivist research methods

42 Interpretivist – observations, unstructured interviews, open-ended questionnaires, personal accounts diaries Positivist – the experiment, social surveys, structured interviews, official statistics

43 What is the comparative method in social research?

44 This is where the researcher collects data about different societies or social groups in order to explain the cause of a social event

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