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Do Now Heading: Tension Force

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Heading: Tension Force"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Heading: Tension Force
Pick up an article and a practice problem set from the front table Take out your forces book Write the heading in your Journals Write the homework in your homework log

2 Draw and Write the following Problem in your Journal
Billy decides one day to go parachuting. Billy has a mass of 60 kg. When he opens his parachute, he experiences an upward force of 100 N. Billy also experience a gravitational force. Draw a FBD for Billy ( make sure to label all of the forces acting on him) b) What is Billy’s net force? c) What is Billy’s acceleration?


4 Rank the Bridges from The Strongest ( 1) to Weakest ( 3)
Make sure to explain your answer with at least 3 complete sentences and a drawing. Use your knowledge and vocabulary of forces to help you rank these bridges.

5 Note Taking As you read the article
Highlight sentences that talk about the strength of suspension bridges Underlines sentences that talk about the force acting on a suspension bridge Circle what you think is key vocabulary from this article


7 Tension Force with Multiple Strings
A man with weight of 20 N is standing in the middle of a swing. The total tension force up is 20 N. How much tension force does each string feel?

8 Pulleys and Tension Force
A hand is pulling on the rope with a force of F = 10 N. The wooden circle has a gravitational force of 5 N. What is the net force of the wooden circle?

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