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New England Colonies Plymouth 1620: Plymouth, Massachusetts

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1 New England Colonies Plymouth 1620: Plymouth, Massachusetts
- Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower - funded by the Plymouth Co. * private commercial venture * haven for separatists - Mayflower Compact (all 100 passengers signed and agreed to obey the decisions of the majority) - faced hardships and received Native American assistance


3 Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Winthrop wanted to build a “city upon a hill” (type of city God wanted, escape the negative punishment God would inflict on England for being so unholy) Sought to shape social change by altering the corruptions of government and making individuals accountable through hard work and moral value

4 New England - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island - Boston, Salem, New Haven and Providence were the major towns - no separation of church and state - unequal distribution of land - small farms with subsistence farming/cash crops - many families hired out their children (not many slaves in this region) - fur trading, mining, lumber and fishing were main economic activities - less disease, better diets than other regions

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