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Review Time: Management of Learning (MOL)
Talkie Time: Research worth Sharing
Lesson 19: Presentation of Findings and Analysis of Data
Learning Competency/ies: The Learner will
Lesson 19, Objectives : The learner will Learning Competency/ies: The Learner will Data Presentation and Analysis (Addendum) Relates the findings with pertinent literature (CS_RS11-IVd-f-3)
(25 mins) Presentation of Assignment
Using FGD: Look for 5 respondents and ask the assigned question: 1. What is a Home? 2. Who is God? 3. What can u say about President Duterte? 4. Do you think Senior High is beneficial? 5. What is Art for you? And come up with a coding and themes. (100 pts - Quiz)
Qualitative Research Chapter II: Data Presentation and Analysis
Elements to consider in Presentation of Findings and Analysis: 1
Elements to consider in Presentation of Findings and Analysis: 1. Responses and Answers verbatim translation triangulation 2. Mood and Disposition 3. Coding, themes and patterns 4. Analysis or interpretation Writer’s Point of view Literature review
2 Formats 1. Tabular (Table form) 2. Textual/Descriptive
Perceived Organizational Culture Shared by the Teaching Employees Themes Informants Difference in values Snow White Cinderella Tarzan Rapunzel Presence of diversity Aladdin Sleeping Beauty 2 Formats 1. Tabular (Table form) Textual/Descriptive
Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following query: 1. ) How do the respondents perceive the organizational culture shared by the personnel in their respective departments?
Perceived Organizational Culture Shared by the Teaching Employees
IV. Perceived Organizational Culture Shared by the Teaching Employees Table 4 Perceived Organizational Culture Shared by the Teaching Employees Themes Key Informants Difference in values Snow White Cinderella Tarzan Rapunzel Presence of diversity Aladdin Sleeping Beauty Five (5) out of the 82 respondents were asked about their perception on the culture of their organization. Two (2) themes emerged; they are: 1) difference in values, and 2) issues with diversity. Table 4 presents the responses of the key informants.
Difference in Values Shared values are defined as the explicit or implicit fundamental beliefs, concepts, and principles that underlie the culture of an organization. These values guide decisions and behaviours of the employees and management. Shared values are what link an organization together. Shared Values are also the identity by which an organization is known throughout its business area. (
Snow White has been with Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc
Snow White has been with Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc. for almost 25 years. She is one of the most respected professors in the entire academic institution. She noted that teaching is her passion. When asked about her perception on the organizational culture shared by the teaching employees, this was her answer: “Naa man mi Vision, Mission diri; pero lang, dili man gud ma carry-out sa tanan. Ang uban pud, dili pa sila makakita sa importance especially siguro kadtong mga bag-o pa diri.” (“The organization has an existing Vision, Mission statement; only that not all carry them out. Others do not see its importance yet, especially those who are still new here.”)
She then added: “Lahi-lahi man gud ang tumong sa mga teachers diri. Ang uban kay ganahan gyud mo-tabang sa estudyante. Ang uban kay murag wala lang; sweldo lang ang importante para nila. Pero dili man ta maka-judge nila kay ilaha man sad na.” (“Teachers have different purposes why they are here. There are some who really want to help the students. Others are only here because of the salary. But we cannot judge them, we all have our reasons.”)
For Snow White, teaching is a helping profession
For Snow White, teaching is a helping profession. Passion for the profession should be present so that the real purpose of teaching, which to help students, can be realized. The money or salary that a teacher gets is only secondary. She believes that if all teaching employees in Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc. are united in aiming to help their students, the school will be more successful and prosperous.
Tarzan is also one of the respected faculty members of the school
Tarzan is also one of the respected faculty members of the school. He has been with the institution for several years already. This is what he remarked: “Not all of the faculty members have imbibed the spirit and purpose of the school, it is sad. We are hoping that the school will find a way for a teambuilding activity for all teaching employees where indoctrination and re-orientation will occur.”
To Tarzan, it is important that all faculty members should share the same organizational culture and values so that the goal of the school will be realized. He is hoping that the administration will conduct teambuilding activities for all teachers so that the culture of the organization will be re-oriented to them. He believes that this is a way to unify all teaching employees so that they will move together in one direction.
Cinderella, who has been with the school for 15 years, explained that people who come from different backgrounds have the tendency to bring their orientation to their workplace. Though sometimes it has advantages, there are also disadvantages: “Lahi-lahi man gud ug gi-gikanan nga eskwelahan. Mao na, ang mahitabo kasagaran, madala sa mga faculty ang naandan nila sa ilang alma mater. Maglisud sila ug adapt sa unsay practices and ways sa ilang bag-o nga workplace. Naay usahay nga magka-conflict ang learning sa student kay ang gi-practice mao ang naandan sa iyang previous school. Maglisud ang student kay maglibog naman sila kinsa ug unsa gyud ilang sundon.”
(“Majority come from different schools, tendency is, they will bring the culture of their alma mater. They have difficulty adapting to the practices and ways of their new workplace. There are times when learning conflict would arise. They teach what is being practiced in their previous school instead of following what the institution is prescribing; to this, students would get confused because they do not know who and what to follow.”)
For Cinderella, it is very important that work values should be united as this will aid in meeting institutional goals and objectives, and later on, achievement of success. She also emphasized the importance of imbibing the culture of the workplace as this will further solidify the organization. Shared values are what engender trust and link an organization together. Shared values are also the identity by which an organization is known throughout its business areas. These values must be stated as both corporate objectives and individual values. Every organization and every leader will have a different set of values that are appropriate to its business situation (
Presence of Diversity Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more. Diversity not only involves how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. Those perceptions affect their interactions. For a wide assortment of employees to function effectively as an organization, human resource professionals need to deal effectively with issues such as communication, adaptability and change. Diversity will increase significantly in the coming years. Successful organizations recognize the need for immediate action and are ready and willing to spend resources on managing diversity in the workplace now (Greenberg, n.d.).
Rapunzel has been with Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc
Rapunzel has been with Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc. for a few years now and considers herself as a new member of the family. She narrated that she has just passed the phase of really getting to know everyone in her department. She also mentioned that right now, she can confidently handle her colleagues without having that much difficulty. Further probing allowed the researcher to learn that Rapunzel has adjusted well to the climate and culture of her department. However, she mentioned:
“Sa amo department, lahi-lahi mi ug edad
“Sa amo department, lahi-lahi mi ug edad. Naay uban faculty na lagyu na gyud ang generation gap. I think usa gihapon ni sa reason ngano dili kaayo magkasinabot ang uba. Naay usahay na dili gyud mag-abot ang mga ideas kay ang mga oldies dili sold-out sa ideas sa mga young ones and vice versa.” (“In our department, we vary in age. There are some faculty members whose generations are poles apart. I think this is one of the reasons why do not understand each other well. There are times when our ideas do not exactly meet because some of the seasoned faculty members are not sold-out with the ideas of the young ones and vice versa.”)
Aladdin is also a new member of the teaching force of Western Leyte College of Ormoc City, Inc. He is also aware of the disadvantage that the generation gap brings. However, his account is not about diversity age-wise, he narrates on the diversity of personalities: “Naa man gyuy age gap sa mga teaching employees diri. Daghan ang bata, daghan sab ug veteran. Usahay magka-sinabot, usahay dili. Pero I think given naman gud nga naay slight friction between generations.”
(“Age gap is present amongst the teaching employees here
(“Age gap is present amongst the teaching employees here. There is a significant number of young teachers, at the same time, there is also a significant number of veteran teachers. Sometimes, their ideas and opinions do not jive, but there are also times when they get along with each fairly. But I think it is a given already that there is always slight friction between the generations.”)
Employees in almost any organization are divided into subgroups of various kinds. Formation of groups is determined by two broad sets of conditions. First, job-related (organizationally created) differences and similarities, such as type of work, rank in the organization, and physical proximity to one another sometimes cause people to align themselves into groups. However, a second set of non-job-related conditions (those related to culture, ethnicity, socioeconomics, sex, and race) arise primarily from an individual’s personal background; these conditions are highly important for legal, moral and economic reasons (Newstrom, 2011).
Women Behind Bars: A Look into Physical and Sexual Aggression
Sample 2: Textual Women Behind Bars: A Look into Physical and Sexual Aggression
Statement of the Problem
The main objective of this study is to determine the nature, types, participation and factors influencing the occurrence of physical and sexual aggression among women inmates in a Central Philippines Rehabilitation Center. Specific Objectives: 1. To describe the perceived types of physical and sexual aggression occurring among them. 2. To determine how these women inmates respond to the occurrence of physical and sexual aggression among them.
Research Design This study used an descriptive research design employing the qualitative approach. Phenomenological strategy described and investigated the perception of women on the types of physical and sexual aggression occurring among them, how they think their fellow inmates participate in the acts of physical and sexual aggression. It also included their perceived physical and social conditions that influenced the occurrence of physical and sexual aggression, and how they responded to the occurrence of physical and sexual aggression. This study used an in-depth interview guide to the key informants at the Cebu City Bagong Buhay Rehabilitation Center.
Population and Sampling
The researcher utilized the non-probability sampling, specifically the purposive in selecting the fifteen key informants. The researcher selected the 15 KIs using the following criteria: 1) she should have been incarcerated for a year and above; 2) must be 18 years old and above and; 3) must express consent to undergo the interview.
Data Analysis All the gathered data, which refer to the personal characteristics of the informants, were analyzed using descriptive analysis and interpretation. The transcribed interviews together with the notes were content analyzed and categorized according to emerging themes and patterns.
Sub problem 2: Occurrence of Physical Aggression in the Center
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sub problem 2: Occurrence of Physical Aggression in the Center Majority of the informants perceived that physical aggression usually starts with verbal confrontation which triggered most of the physical attacks happening among inmates. Physical aggression takes place when there is body contact like slapping is the most (8) mentioned. A dispute becomes physical when there is pulling of hair second most (7) mentioned. Women supposed that using an object to hit a person is an act of physical aggression was mentioned five (5) times. The least mentioned (1) among them is punching. All these perceptions have one common similarity and that is the infliction of pain.
Boredom makes women hot-tempered and get irritated easily
Boredom makes women hot-tempered and get irritated easily. They are hard to handle because they can erupt any moment. Anita (not her real name), a kabo (mayor) related the event that she observed: “Kargado diri nga makakuan sa kagubot kay tungod sa kaboryong ba, kay walay dalaw. Nya gamay lang kaayo ug ligas ba, basta gamay lang nga istorya gud kay react dayon, mao nga mag-lalis hangtod nga magbugno na dayon. Siguro masuya sila sa uban nga dunay dalaw. Para nila naa sila sa sitwasyon nga pait ba.”
(The main cause of dispute here is boredom, because they do not have visitor. Just a little word makes one irritated. This eventually turns into a heated argument and breaks into a fight [hair pulling]. They must be envious to those who have visitors. For them they are placed into a difficult situation).
Another mayor from another cell also shared her personal thoughts about boredom:
Most often kay kanang maboryong sila, they got bored and then dunay mga family problem. They receive negative nga mga istorya didto sa gawas. Maproblema sila, nya resulting to boredom, kay wala na gyuy mabuhat. So mao na nga init ug ulo, gamayng bikil, paliton dayon.
(Most often, they got bored, and they have family problems
(Most often, they got bored, and they have family problems. They receive negative stories from outside. They become concerned resulting to boredom. They become hot-headed, just a minor infraction will cause their outburst.)
Personal space is very important for the women inmates
Personal space is very important for the women inmates. They perceived that dispute over space is one of the causes of the occurrence of physical aggression in the center. This usually happens during peak season. Peak season falls in December (Christmas) and January (Sinulog festival). According to the informants that it is during these months wherein there are many cases of theft, robbery, and swindling. The center becomes congested at these times of the year. An informant, a second timer in the center, now a mayor recalled her experience:
“Maghuot gyud mi diri basta ting Pasko na kay daghan man madakpan sa pangawat sa department stores. Ang mga bag-o lang nadakpan kay mag-ilog dayon kung asa higda. Dili man sila pwede mohigda sa kubol anha ra sila sa sawog. Pila ra guy masulod sa kada brigade unya molapas man mi ug trenta.”
(The cell becomes congested during Christmas season, because there are many women who are arrested for shoplifting in the mall. Those who are new will quarrel over sleeping space. They can not stay in a kubol [double-deck bed draped with curtain] they only have the floor. We reach more than thirty inmates in one cell.)
Other women claimed that gossiping is one of the causes of physical aggression among inmates. They said that gossiping is one of the pastimes of inmates in the center. This usually takes place during sunning time, wherein inmates are allowed to mingle with other inmates from different cells. Another avenue for women to gossip is when they have nothing to do at all. An informant, the youngest among the selected women interviewed shared her observation:
“Dil igyud na kalikayan, kay mga babaye duhay baba
“Dil igyud na kalikayan, kay mga babaye duhay baba. Hatod-hatod dayon ug istorya, unya kung makahiabalo ang gi-istoryahan kay magkagubot dayon, maglalais , nya kung unsay magunitan kay ipuspos dayon.” (It’s inevitable, women are like that. They gossip, and when the one who is being gossiped about will learn of it, a brawl will ensue, they will hit with anything they will get hold of.)
Sub problem 3: Reasons for occurrence of sexual aggression.
Inspite of the different perceptions of the informants about sexual aggression, majority (12) of them reported that sexual aggression is not happening among them. However, it is noteworthy that during the course of the interview a desk officer was within audiovisual range, the informants were hesitant to disclose any information regarding the topic. They only said that it is unlikely to happen because in the new center a woman who is found to have an intimate relationship with another woman in the same cell, one of the two is transferred to another cell.
Of the remaining three who reported on sexual aggression, two said that they just hear of it, of which one of the two emphasized that some are consensual; only one inmate was actually involved in sexual aggression. Nonetheless, the primary reason for the occurrence of sexual aggression was the lack of a male partner. One of the informants who admitted that she has had an experience of sexual aggression also confessed that though she preferred a male partner, she had learned to like a lesbian since her incarceration. She said that it is due to the absence of men in the center. She also added:
Akong gikamang ang tomboy ug akong gipalamian
Akong gikamang ang tomboy ug akong gipalamian. Giganahan na ang tomboy nihunong na ko.Ako ra man siyang gipalagot. Nasuko ang tomboy. Ako siyang gi-ingnan nga lalaki gyud akong ganahan.
Assignment: Topics to choose: 1. What can you say about STEC Standard
Assignment: Topics to choose: 1. What can you say about STEC Standard? 2. Interview 6 students (3 grade 11 and 3 grade 12) 3. Narrow down the responses and make a theme and discussion. 4. Mock up the portion on borrowing quotations and literatures) (100 pts- Quiz). Presentation next meeting.
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