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Research Accounting Office

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1 Research Accounting Office
KPIs Q2 2015/16

Summary: YTD, Q1 & Q2, cost statement submissions of 198 are 38% of the target for the year of 520. Output for the first quarter did not reach the planned quarter target, resulting in continued funder engagement regarding outstanding reports and their requirement to meet their annual budget drawdown. The trend in o/s cost statements has continued from Q1 to Q2 and there are now 101 O/S. An increase of 300% from Mar 15. 2 additional resources have been added to the RAO team at the end of March 16. The SFI Centres Reporting was completed successfully within the SFI deadline at the end of Q2. The major contributing factors to the above continue to be; Delayed impacts of Project detail issues . Continuous reprioritisations of Backlog Vacancies / Unplanned Leave in the RAO. Additional time being given to Budget proposals

3 PPFs

4 Accounts on Agresso Commentary:
Number of accounts continue to increase on Agresso and is the highest since pre Sept 2012 30% of accounts relate to “Non-Budget” accounts. The GAP between the number of accounts being Opened and those being closed continues to widen The VPR policy on the creation of a Research Account, is expected to result in a reduced number of Account set ups. The administration and management of the ‘Non Budget’ accounts continues to be ‘resource hungry’ for the RAO

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