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Do Now On the back of your “Guided Notes” paper, answer the following questions: How did your understanding of the hero’s journey help you to create your.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now On the back of your “Guided Notes” paper, answer the following questions: How did your understanding of the hero’s journey help you to create your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now On the back of your “Guided Notes” paper, answer the following questions:
How did your understanding of the hero’s journey help you to create your own hero’s narrative? What was the most difficult part about writing this story? Explain. What was the easiest part? Explain. After writing your own story, what are some things you are hoping to improve on before your next writing assignment? Explain.

2 Connotation v. Denotation
Denotation is the literal meaning of a word. This is the definitions that your find in the dictionary. Some words may have the same meaning to them, but they provoke different feelings or emotions. For Example: Cafeteria or Restaurant – Which one would you think is negative and which one would you consider to be positive? Those emotions that you have when you see these words is connotation. The emotional meaning of a word.

3 Connotation v. Denotation
Connotation can have a major impact on text and how we read it. It has the most impact on tone and mood. Tone is the attitude of the author in a piece. Mood is the emotions or feelings of a reader after they read a piece. A story that has a lot of negative connotative words may have an upsetting tone. This will cause the reader to feel sad or down after reading a text.

4 Tone and Connotation Practice
Read the letter that is on your guided notes. While you read do the following: Place a plus sign (+) above words that give a positive connotation Place a negative sign (-) above words that give a negative connotation. Write all the negative words in the – column and write all the positive words in the + column. - +

5 Tone and Connotation Practice
Commonly Negative Tone Words Commonly Negative Mood Words angry annoyed bitter blunt bossy Cold demanding depressed disliking disrespectful doubtful embarrassed enraged confining confused cranky crushed cynical disappointed stressed suspenseful tense envious exhausted

6 “A Man” Turn to page 55 and complete the “Before Reading” question. This reading strategy is used to analyze a poetic text by identifying and discussing each topic in the acronym: Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shift, Theme, and Title again. The strategy is a guide designed to lead you in an analysis of a literary text. It is most effective if you begin at the top and work your way down the elements; however, you will find that as you study one element, you will naturally begin to explore others. For example, a study of connotation often leads to a discussion of tone and shifts. Revisiting the title often leads to a discussion of the theme.

7 Paraprhase: Write an objective summary for the poem
“A Man” – page 56 During Reading: Think about how challenge and the Hero’s Journey relate to the idea of heroism. First Read: Ms. Young and follow along. Second Read: Independent and answer the two “Key Ideas and Details” questions. Third Read: Group and complete the TPCASTT Chart. Paraprhase: Write an objective summary for the poem

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