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Circular 6 Modernization Initiative

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1 Circular 6 Modernization Initiative
Canadian Seed Growers’ Association Summer 2017

2 Recent Activities SC6C met 3 times and was consulted once on changes to Circular 6 in the past year Circular 6 was updated for 2017 in respect of: 1) industrial hemp standards 2) wheat varietal purity standards 3) pulse varietal purity standards New standards for quinoa are forthcoming

3 Growing Forward 2 Submission June, 2017
Estimate 26 working weeks between mid-September to March 31st Steering Committee: Executive Director of CSGA and three managing Directors 13 bi-weekly meetings (two hours each) with the Project Manager Looking ahead, the Strategic Plan of the CSGA has identified modernization of Circular 6 as a top priority and as a result, staff submitted an application for funding under AAFC’s Growing Forward 2 policy framework to support this work. The submission included the following broad outline of how CSGA foresaw the project unfolding over the fall and winter of 2017/18: This funding application is for the fiscal year (i.e., to March 31, 2018). The project is a multi-year initiative. There are 26 “working weeks” from mid-September to March 31, 2018 (minus 2 weeks for Christmas). There would be 13 bi-weekly conference calls/meetings of the Steering Committee 2 hr. The SC would be comprised of the Executive Director, CSGA and 3 Managing Directors.

4 Additional Staffing Requirements
Project Manager Four days/week for 26 weeks Project Administrator Three days/week for 26 weeks A project manager (PM) will be engaged for four (4) days/week for 26 weeks and a project administrator (PA) will be engaged for three (3) days/week for 26 weeks to prepare and collate discussion material, organize conference calls, prepare meeting minutes, summaries and preliminary reports, organize industry engagement, webinars, on-line collaboration and surveys, coordinate document translation and prepare final reports.

5 Working Groups Form and Function Cereals and similar species
Pulses and similar species Hybrid Canola Forages New Crops and other species Six working groups (WG) would be established with a volunteer, seed sector Chair and a contracted lead/facilitator: WG on Form and Function (what Circ 6 should include and how this is presented to users) WG on Cereals and similar species (wheat, barley, oats, rye, etc.) WG on Pulses and similar species (soybeans, peas, beans, lentils) WG on Hybrid Canola WG on Forages (alfalfa, timothy, ryegrass, etc) WG on New Crops and other species (hybrid wheat, hemp etc)

6 Working Groups Each working group will have: A volunteer Chair
A contracted lead/facilitator 5-6 volunteer stakeholders The WGs would comprise the Chair, the lead and 5-6 volunteer stakeholders with appropriate knowledge and experience, including seed growers, seed trade, labs (where pertinent) and plant breeders. Terms of reference would be developed. Each WG lead/facilitator would be engaged for approximately 30 days. The WGs would meet bi-monthly with 3 meetings scheduled starting in September/early October, with another in mid/late November and another in late February. WG observations and recommendations will be forwarded to the appropriate CSGA standing committee (Standards and Circular 6 or Policy, Planning and Governance) for endorsement/decisions.

7 Working Groups Each working group will have three meetings before March 31st First meeting to: Confirm terms of reference Identify issues Propose changes to Circular 6 for the 2018 growing season Second meeting to: Confirm recommendations for changes to Circular 6 for 2018 Continue to identify issues that require further work Amendments to Circular 6 will be published by March 1, 2018 Changes to Circular 6 for the 2018 seed crop production season would be verified at the second WG meeting (November) with recommendations to the SC6C and approval by the Board. Amendments to Circular 6 would be completed and published by March 1, 2018.

8 Working Groups Third working group meeting:
Discuss longer term changes to Circular 6 Establish priorities Develop work plan for Longer term changes to Circular 6 would be further discussed at the third WG meeting, priorities established and a work plan for developed.

9 Stakeholder Engagement
Inter-provincial Seed Growers’ meeting (November) CSTA semi-annual meeting (November) Annual general meetings of regional/provincial branches (winter) Electronic platform to gather feedback The annual Inter-provincial Seed Growers meeting in Kingston, November 15 – 16, 2017 will provide an opportunity for consultation with those in attendance. Annual general meetings of the regional/provincial branches of the CSGA that occur from early December through late February will be used to further engage CSGA members on the Circular 6 modernization initiative. There would be two hour sessions including presentations by WG leads and facilitated discussions. An electronic engagement platform will be deployed to gather further input/feedback. The CSTA semi-annual meeting in Calgary, November 27 – 29 will be another opportunity for stakeholder engagement.

10 Standards and Circular 6 Committee Meetings
Propose regular conference calls to monitor progress of working groups and to evaluate recommendations Mid-October (project status update) Late November (recommended changes for 2018) Early February (project status update) Late March (priorities and work plans for 2018/19) Proposal for Meetings of the SC6C In order to facilitate the governance and success of the Circular 6 modernization initiative it will be necessary for the SC6C to meet on a regular basis to monitor progress and evaluate recommendations arising from the WGs. It is proposed that the SC6C meet by conference call for up to two hours approximately every six weeks through the fall and winter to accomplish these objectives. Tentative dates are mid-October (project status update), late November (recommended changes for 2018), early February (project status update) and late March (priorities and work plans for 2018/19).

11 Circular 6 Quick Reference Tool
Currently, Circular 6 is available as a pdf or as a printed document BUT Most people are looking for information that appears on only a few pages Information on the production of a specific crop type and class is spread out Without familiarity, it can be difficult to extract the correct information In addition to updating the content of Circular 6, the CSGA is also actively exploring options for how that content is made available/presented; currently Circular 6 is available as a pdf on the website or as a printed document over 200 pages long; most people who need to access the content of Circular 6 are looking for information that appears on only a few pages; we would like to make it easier for people to find the exact information that they need; the following slides demonstrate one simplified approach that could be taken

12 Circular 6 Quick Reference Tool
CSGA is proposing an electronic “reference tool” for Circular 6, accessible from any device with an internet connection. The tool comprises two components: a database of Circular 6 regulations and a user interface. The tool will present only the regulations for a specific crop and pedigreed class of seed at a time, and will be built to allow for integration with CSGA’s variety description database. CSGA is proposing developing an electronic platform to improve navigation. The electronic platform would leverage CSGA’s existing IM/IT infrastructure and software resources. The electronic platform would be comprised of two (2) main components: 1) a database to store Circular 6 regulations; and 2) a responsive user interface. With respect to the user interface, CSGA is looking to develop a platform that provides a customized user experience. For example, if an end user is only producing soybeans, the interface would only provide the user with the soybean regulations. The platform would also be built to incorporate variety specific requirements. This would allow future integration with the CSGA variety description database. A key component of the user interface would be mobile compatibility. This does not include the development of an Apple/Android ‘app’. Instead, it would be built to be responsive to any device (cell phone, tablet, laptop and desktop). To develop a user interface, CSGA would employ design thinking methodologies, specifically rapid prototyping concepts. CSGA will work with contractors to develop prototypes, which would then be shared with industry to get feedback and help shape future prototypes.

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