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Mythology Week 2 Raprich.

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1 Mythology Week 2 Raprich

2 Monday May 15th To harp- to talk/write tediously and persistently on a particular topic (Harpies- birds with the heads of beautiful women who tortured people). Trojan Horse- A threat disguised as friendly, innocent, or a gift (Trojan horse, Greek gift to Trojans secretly hiding soldiers). Greeks Bearing Gifts- Someone or something that looks too good to be true (Trojan horse). A Mercurial Disposition- Subject to sudden or unexpected changes in mood (Mercury, Roman equivalent to Hermes, the unpredictable trickster Olympian). Adonis- An ideal, handsome human being, usually male (Adonis was a beautiful young boy, who Aphrodite fell in love with because of Eros’ arrow).

3 Tuesdat May 16th 6.The Midas Touch- The good fortune of having everything lead to success (King Midas, granted one wish by Dionysus requested that everything he touch be turned to gold). 7. Achilles’ Heel- A tragic weakness or flaw (Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, had one weakness- his heel). 8. Plutocracy-noun- a government that is run by the wealthy (Pluto, god of wealth). 9. Capitalization Rule- Capitalize the names of nationalities, languages, races, and ethnic groups. Adjectives formed from these names are also capitalized.

4 Wednesday May 17th Review from last week.
1. Cleanliness, sanitation, sterility: _____________ 2. Enticing, tempting, appealing: _____________ 3. Fear, obsession, fright: ______________

5 Thursday May 18th My mom gets upset when we don’t clean up after our selves, but she tries not __________________ or nag us. When the veteran presented me with $75.00 because I won the contest, it seemed like he was a _____________________because it was too good to be true Ever described Damien as having ____ ______________ _______________because of his sudden or unexpected changes in mood.

6 Friday, May 19th Mrs. Raprich’s husband is like __________________; he is the ideal, most handsome human being in the world. Mrs. Winkler has _______________________; everything she does is perfect. Math is Mrs. Raprich’s ______________. It is her weakness.

7 For your News Story Title: Something that is interesting, active voice, tell the main event: Ex. Disgruntled father eats children Lead: This should be a thematic statement: Unfortunately, anyone can be a father. Body: summarize the story with a unique and interesting angle.

8 Extra Write down three words that you associate with the following vocabulary words. 1.mercurial- 2. plutocracy- 3. Adonis 4. Aphrodite-

9 For Greekly Weekly Get out a sheet of paper and brainstorm for your first News Article. Set it up like this: Article: News-Zeus and Metis get Married Title : Cheating Zeus and Naïve Metis Wed Lead Sentence:

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