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| Case Study How Intelligence and Conversations helped the Dairy Industry Effectively Tell Its Story In today’s complex communication world, people get.

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Presentation on theme: "| Case Study How Intelligence and Conversations helped the Dairy Industry Effectively Tell Its Story In today’s complex communication world, people get."— Presentation transcript:

1 | Case Study How Intelligence and Conversations helped the Dairy Industry Effectively Tell Its Story In today’s complex communication world, people get information from myriad sources – blogs, social networks, traditional news, search engines and their peers. To address this new reality on how to reach and engage consumers in a digital world, Dairy Management, Inc. (the farmer- funded marketing arm for the U.S. dairy community) in partnership with Edelman sought to unite dairy farmers with a consistent voice to proactively engage consumers in conversation. DMI established an on-site creative newsroom in 2012 to create content based on conversations and topics important to consumers and build stronger connections with those audiences. In partnership with Edelman, DMI began leveraging Spredfast Intelligence in 2015 to gain real-time insight into trending topics and conversations, ensuring DMI’s content is timely and relevant for key stakeholders. Additionally, they began using Spredfast Conversations to build deeper connections through meaningful conversations with their audiences of +334K and the broader social community.

2 Objectives: Strategy: | Case Study
Develop direct channels to listen to consumers and engage with them in real time to build trust and support around dairy Proactively tell dairy's story and balance conversation around key topics Continue identifying relevant consumer conversations to join and create engagement opportunity Strategy: The creative newsroom was born from the opportunity to engage consumers in broader conversations around dairy and connect them to where their food comes from. DMI used insights from online conversation to launch Dairy Good, the publishing platform operated by the newsroom, giving dairy farmers a way to connect, engage and share information with consumers through omnichannel content. Utilizing Spredfast technology, DMI has been able to source and create newsroom content to identify key trends and terms that effectively bridge the gap between dairy farmers and consumer conversations. DMI is able to take action on insights from Intelligence using Spredfast Conversations to engage consumers and share content on the topics that matter most to them, eventually inspiring their support of dairy around a unified message. DMI is driving engagement and participation in social conversations while simultaneously building deeper connections and trust with consumers.

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| Case Study Results: Clever campaign debunks dairy myths and reaches +24 million people. 43 M I L L I O N impressions While DMI uses Spredfast tools on a daily basis to inspire and create a steady stream of ongoing content, they also use them to inform larger communications campaign strategy. In August 2015, DMI launched the Udder Truth, a campaign created to debunk dairy myths in social conversations. DMI used Intelligence to identify affinities among their audience to enhance paid social targeting, which revealed the audience were fans of satirical news outlets. The research validated DMI’s approach to the wide range of commentary by dairy demagogues and advocates alike with a paid partnership with The Onion, which reached million people. The activation garnered industry-wide support and achieved significant reach: 65 dairy partners helped amplify and push out the Udder Truth message and drove +43M campaign impressions, +1.1M total video views, and +1K social shares. 1.1 M I L L I O N total video views 1 T H O U S A N D social shares DMI used research and intelligence to +24 M I L L I O N people pinpoint and reach Want to Learn More? Visit us at or us at

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