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Continuous Review, Feedback, Maintain Relationships 2014 INDISTAR SUMMIT.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Review, Feedback, Maintain Relationships 2014 INDISTAR SUMMIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Review, Feedback, Maintain Relationships 2014 INDISTAR SUMMIT

2 Keys to Success (State) State Administrative Team meets regularly, typically once a month, to review district and school implementation progress and reporting and provides periodic feedback.

3 Do you ever feel like this?

4 Reviewing progress/feedback SEA team meets regularly Review progress/reporting Provide periodic feedback

5 Do we speak a common language?

6 Effective Feedback? If I do not speak in a language that can be understood, there is little chance for a dialogue. ---Bell Hooks, writer and educator

7 What Reports Are Available for Reviewing Progress? ImplementationSubmissions School Aggregate District Aggregate School Drill Down District Drill Down Coaching Activity Progress Query Report NEW ->Progress Query Report NEW -> REPORTS


9 Keys to Success (State) State Indistar Team maintains close contact with the Indistar Shepherd, including monthly conference calls and emails, and the Indistar Shepherd provides guidance, reflection, pressure, and support.

10 Relationship with Indistar Shepherd Pressure Support Reflection Guidance

11 Self-reflection: Tool Talk

12 Conclusion Right message Right level of support and feedback feedback Right tone The emphasis and expectation of continuous improvement influences the mindset for the work. ……specifically YOUR work of reviewing implementation progress and providing feedback to schools and districts, and ……maintaining a close relationship with your Shepherd when reflecting and monitoring YOUR own progress as a state team.

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