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Water sports lesson-5.

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1 Water sports lesson-5

2 water skiing scuba diving snorkeling surfboarding windsurfing boating
swimming jet skiing rafting water sliding Ask your pupils if they can name the sports in the pictures. Hey can draw a line from the name to the picture.You may need to read each one individually, so the pupils can hear each sport named and then draw the line.

3 Objectives: learn about water sports find out about safety
discuss parts of speech – nouns+verbs Introduce the objectives with ‘Today you are going to …….’ then each item. Translate any new words into their mother tongue. Continue this activity on the next slide. use adjectives

4 and: visit sites on the internet follow instructions write an ad
use ‘must’ and ‘should’, ‘can’ and ‘will’ This is a continuation of the previous slide.

5 Water sports Ask your pupils where they can you do all these water sports (see below). Have a brainstorming session. Accept answers from your pupils but make them specific: ‘in water’ is not a good answer. Which water? As you get the answers write them around ‘water sports’ To save time, for every answer your pupils give, write and say an additional one. Possible answers: swimming pool / Red Sea / Kinneret / Mediterranean Sea/ in Eilat / Dan River / at water parks / etc.

6 Sport satisfied fun happy exciting free difficult alive relaxing
Adjectives There are adjectives that describe how you feel. There are adjectives that describe sports. You feel satisfied happy free alive healthy Sport fun exciting difficult relaxing cool שמח בריא מרוצה בחיים חופשי מרגיע מהנה מרתק מגניב קשה In this exercise, your pupils match the adjectives with their meanings. Explain what a noun is. Do this in their mother tongue.a noun is the name given to a place, person or thing.give examples, like sport, water, etc. Explain what a verb is. It describes an action, what you do. Give examples, like, swim, jump, eat, etc. v: Swimming is a sport I love (noun). I swim in the sea every week (verb). Snorkeling is exciting (noun). You can snorkel in Eilat {verb}. Translate these sentences into their mother tongue and make sure they understand the difference. Send them to Activity 1 (blue) In the activity, ask a pupil to fill in each blank. When they have finished, read the pairs of words and ask your pupils to repeat them after you, for pronunciation.

7 Windsurfing is NOT a new sport. It was developed at
the end of the 1960’s and has been an Olympic sport since 1984. Read the text to your pupils. Translate any words that they do not know into their mother tongue.

8 Experts say that anyone can learn how to windsurf. It doesn’t matter
how old you are. But you should take lessons before you start out on your own. You should ask an expert about the equipment you need.You should also know how to swim. Ask your pupils questions about windsurfing. There are three things you should do, before you start out on your own. What are they? Let your pupils answer. You may need to do this in their mother tongue and help them with certain important expressions in English. Talk about your pupils ideas. Start with “know how to swim” where the answer is obvious and then develop the discussion. Why do you need good equipment? Introduce the idea of good performance. Why do you need lessons? Explain that you need to know what to do. Now read the text to find out how close the class’ ideas are to the information given here. At this stage emphasise the vocabulary they need. Teacher- you can add here an activity: should-must compare can-will.

9 What will you learn in your lessons?
You will learn: * how to stay on the board * how to surf in the direction you want * how to surf safely with other people * and how to have a good time doing it But there are rules to remember! Go through this text with your, as usual.

10 Rules for windsurfing:
*You must know how to swim. * You must NEVER surf alone. * You must wear a wet suit in cold water. * You must stay with your board. *You must know the weather conditions. * You must learn the international distress signal. Ask your pupils what phrase appears in all these rules? (‘You must’) Ask them how they say must in their mother tongue. Then ask them to translate these rules. Read all the rules.

11 You must know which way the wind is blowing . When you face it,
that is 12 o’clock. north Ask your pupils to describe the picture. Get them to use as many adjectives as they can. For example, the wind is strong, the sea is calm, the girl is wearing a blue life jacket,etc. Now ask them what the girl must know and read the text with them.

12 To go into the wind, you need to zigzag first towards 10 o’clock
and then towards 2 o’clock. But the best windsurfing will be between the areas of 9 – 3 o’clock with the wind behind you. Try doing this reading comprehension using scanning techniques. Ask your pupils to find the numbers and read them together with the word before and the word after, e.g. Towards 10 o’clock, etc. Then ask them to translate the expressions they found. Next, ask them to find the word wind and tell you which line it is in. For the word in line 1, ask them to read the word with the four words in front of it: to go into the wind. For the word in the last line, ask them to read the whole line: with the wind behind you. They should translate both groups of words. Now ask your class if they can guess what the text is about. Read it together and talk about what you need to know about windsurfing.

13 Explain the meaning of the word “lifeguards’
Explain the meaning of the word “lifeguards’. Lifeguards have an internet site where you can learn about safety. There is a quiz, too. Tell your pupils to go into the site and answer the questions. They can check themselves with the answers that are given. They just click the “Answer” button. Go to- (When they have finished, explain that an off-shore wind blows away from the shore and it is dangerous because it is hard to get back!) The lifeguards

14 Go to- Rescue work is hard and you have to know what to do. Tell your pupils they are the lifeguards. Let them try this quiz. You read the first two stages of the scenario to the pupils, explaining anything that pupils may not easily understand. When you get to a multiple choice question, ask your pupils to choose an answer and raise their hands accordingly. You then click on to the majority answer, which will give the next scenario. M/C quiz - fun

15 Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body?
Go to- On line: Tell your pupils go to the site and look at the suggestions on how to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. Ask them How many items are there? (4 items + center) What should you apply generously? (sunscreen). What should you do with children? (protect – from the sun) What should you do between 11 and 3? (seek shade ) Translate where necessary. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of the body?

16 So far, in this lesson you have…..
learned the names of water sports and what you do (the verb) reviewed adjectives visited sites on the internet found information about windsurfing Read each item to your class.

17 And... used ‘should’ and ‘must’ learned about lifeguards
answered a quiz learned about skin safety Ask your pupils Which activity did you like the best? Which part of the lesson was new to you? Go to activity 2.

18 Match sentence with picture - skin care in the sun.
If your shadow is shorter than you – look for shade. Pucker up! Protect your lips. Cover up, the sun is hot. These are rules for safety in the sun. Tell your pupils to draw a line from the sentence to the picture which shows the rule. Check by either drawing and showing / or show a pupil’s board. Read the skin care rules as you check. Continued in the next slide

19 Stay out of the sun till after 3. Slip on those shades –
protect your eyes! Drink water. Apply sunscreen often. Make sure your pupils understand the rules. If necessary, translate.

20 Eilat Go to-
Eilat is famous for its water sports. Ask your pupils to find any of the sports you talked about in this advertisement? (Jet ski / water ski / windsurfing ) Ask them what a Banana ride is (explanation in text). Now, tell them to go to “Things to do”; and choose their favorite activity. Send them to Activity 3 in the Word Document and answer the following questions, in the document itself. 1. Why is Eilat a good place to do this activity? 2. What do you need to do this activity? Remember what we have learnt about in this lesson.

21 Eilat Which water-sports did you find?
Which activity did you choose? Why? Discuss your pupils’ answers with the class. Open the discussion. Send them to Activity Four.

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