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How to create an address…

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Presentation on theme: "How to create an address…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create an email address…
and send your first !

2 Find Yahoo mail…

3 Create an account…

4 Suitable Email Address
Remember an address must be suitable - it should contain part of your name.  Acceptable address: Unacceptable address:

5 Suitable Passwords Passwords must contain a mixture of letters, numbers and characters. Acceptable password: joe12E~ Unacceptable password: bigjoej Weak password: joe123~ Medium strength password: J0e12E~ Strong password: j0E~E21*

6 Enter your details… Choose a unique Choose a memorable password

7 To sign in…

8 Enter your email & password!

9 Select Mail

10 Creating an …

11 Creating an email… Person’s email your sending to here
Enter subject here Type your here

12 Make sure the email address is correct!


14 Emailing more than one person…
Simply enter their addresses with a space

15 TO, CC & BCC TO: enter one or more recipient's email addresses
CC: send a copy of the to someone (not necessarily to/for them) BCC: blind copy, sends an to one or more people, BUT they CANNOT SEE each other’s s!


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