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Virginia Department for the Aging

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1 Virginia Department for the Aging
2006 Financial Management Training Area Plan & AMR Update Jane Snead

2 Program Plan Changes There are very few changes to this
year’s area plan. Area Plan for Aging Services – I’ll mention it a couple of times today, but remember your Area Plan is a public document. When preparing it, especially the program section write it as though the person reading it doesn’t know your target population or how your service is implemented. This requires a little more detail, but it gives a better picture to everyone whether they are in the network or not of the services you provide. There are very few changes to this year’s area plan.

3 Program Plan Changes Organizational chart is required. First Change
In the past we haven’t required an organization chart unless there was a change. This made it difficult to find and know if we had the most up to date version. Therefore we are asking that everyone submit an organization chart. If you can’t insert it into you document, send it as a separate file.

4 Program Plan Changes Title VII has been added to the
heading along with Title III Funds. Services To Be Provided – page 2 In prior years, the heading read “check if you provide this service using Title III (OAA) funds”. Because it did not include Title VII many agencies did not check that elder abuse prevention and local LTC ombudsman services were provided with Older Americans Act funds. We’ve revised the heading to include Title VII to clarify what is to be checked.

5 Program Plan Changes If you provide the service, complete the service
page regardless of the funding source. Service Pages – In the past you completed Section E. Other Service Efforts only if you did not provide the service with Older Americans Act or State General funds. We are now asking that if your agency provides a service and pages 10 & 11 Services To Be Provided show the service checked, the service page is to be completed regardless of the funding source.

6 Program Plan Changes Description of Target Population – 60+,
frail, greatest need added Service Pages – Description of Target Population – Persons 60 and older, frail and with greatest economic and social need has been added or a similar statement depending on the service. This information is understood by those in the network. But this is a public document and those outside the network may not know your target population. So, we’ve included it on all the service pages. You do, however, need to expand on what is already provided. Do the same with Service Implementation – describe how you provide the service as through the reader doesn’t know what the service is and what is provided.

7 Program Plan Changes Section E. Funding Provided By:
Service Pages – Section E. changes E. Funding Provided By: This section has been changed. In the past it was used for you to provide information on “Other Service Efforts”. Most people simply did not complete this section. So we are asking that if you provide the service the page be complete whether it is funded with or without Title III or state general funds. Then in Section E. tell us what funds that are being used. This gives us as well as anyone else viewing the document a fuller picture of services that are being provided by your agency.

8 Individual Service Page
Program Plan Changes Individual Service Page Individual Service Pages – The Program Plan is a large document. If you are asked to make changes to a service page, you should download the FY’07 Individual Service page from our website and make the necessary changes. These pages should be submitted rather than resending the entire plan.

9 Budget Changes Funding Sources: Hold Harmless has been added.
Area Plan Budget – Under Funding Sources, Hold Harmless has been added. Let’s talk about Hold Harmless Funding.

10 Hold Harmless Funds Can be spent on any service on which you can spend Title III funds. Must be accounted for separately. Must be drawn down and obligated by June 30th and liquidated by September 30th. Because these funds are for a 9 month period you may need to look at your federal and state spending to determine how best to use all funds within the proper time frames.

11 Title III-E Caregivers
One of the reoccurring issues last year was how to report caregivers benefited, caregivers served and persons served. To help clarify reporting, the Title III-E Guidance Document has been revised to include Appendix A – Title III-E Caregiver Benefited Calculation Scenarios. This chart gives 9 different scenarios showing the relationship between the client and the caregivers linked, who actually received the service and how they are reported on the AIM VA36 Report and the AMR. Based on your plans last year, most caregivers do not receive the actual service but are benefited because the person they are caring for received the service. This chart helps make that determination. Go over how to use the chart. Anyone have a scenario they want to look at?

12 FY’07 Area Plan Documents
to Name Documents: AP Program PSA XX AP Budget PSA XX AP Org Chart PSA XX

13 FY’07 Area Plan Due Date: July 21, 2006

14 Area Plan Document Consists of the following: Program Plan Budget
Assurances Priority Service Waiver – if requested Carryover Waiver – if requested The Title III Contract should be sent to you in the next couple of weeks for signature. All of the items listed, once approved, will be attached as part of the final contract.

15 Reminders You must use the FY’07 Forms on our website. Submissions on old forms will not be accepted. Only Word and Excel files will be accepted. The four year exception on Ombudsman carryover without a waiver is over. DMAS Ombudsman funds can be carried over. A waiver is not required. A new Contractor Information Form needs to be completed, signed and returned with your signed Title III Contract. Ombudsman carryover – in 2003 when the one time awards were made, VDA said we would waive the 10% carryover requirement for up to four years. FY’06 was the fourth year. If you have federal carryover in excess of 10% you must request a waiver.

16 That’s It! Any Questions? Contact Me: (804) 662-9329

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