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1:30-2:15. Preliminary Tables A & B and frequencies for checking during data submission Tables A-J Careers advisers (plus employer names file, etc.) National.

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Presentation on theme: "1:30-2:15. Preliminary Tables A & B and frequencies for checking during data submission Tables A-J Careers advisers (plus employer names file, etc.) National."— Presentation transcript:

1 1:30-2:15

2 Preliminary Tables A & B and frequencies for checking during data submission Tables A-J Careers advisers (plus employer names file, etc.) National Distribution Files (AGS+CEQ and AGS+PREQ) CEQ tables AGS reports

3 Preliminary Tables A & B and frequencies for checking during data submission Table A: all graduates in chosen cohort, all destinations (activities), based on the DEST variable. Table B: all graduates in chosen cohort available for full-time employment, based on the AVAILFT2 variable.

4 Checking preliminary Tables A and B and frequencies Frequencies sent All cleaned frequencies Key variables (to simplify checking) CEQ output (incl. counts of valid CEQ cases) Output checking instructions

5 Data checks: possible data entry errors out-of-range codes mis-codes (eg., when no value label appears in the table) variables where all values are missing, (shows Missing in the Valid Percent column) errors in data downloaded from sources such as student records duplicated records (identified via GCAID)

6 Check overall logic e.g., fields of education: are all the fields listed valid for your institution? levels of award: does the split of qualifications appear reasonable based on your survey population and the qualifications available from your institution? sex, age, ATSI, NESB, fee-paying questions, etc., – does the distribution appear reasonable based on your particular student profile. (e.g., numbers of older students, numbers of fee-paying students etc.)

7 Do the destinations figures in Tables A and B reflect your expectations – do they differ notably from your previous years figures, for example (without good reason).

8 Finalised GDS results Tables A & B Table C (state breakdown version of Table A) Table D (state breakdown version of Table B) Tables A-D have 16 sub-tables Tables E-J feature national, state and institutional results for overall destinations, employment and salaries (varying breakdowns) Tables A-J also sent to Heads of Careers Services SMs advised

9 Careers Advisers also get cut-down data files showing Employment-related (incl. job search) details and employer names Further study details Spreadsheets with value labels rather than codes Careers advisers analyse and make lists by sorting Will discuss how careers advisers use GDS data tomorrow.

10 GDS+CEQ file PREQ data excluded CEQ/PREQ comments excluded Employer name excluded GDS+PREQ files Basic file – institution code deleted along with variables that might identify an institution (such as GCAID, postcodes, raw responses, comments, CEQ, options, employer name, further study institution) SPSS, SAS, Excel, tab del

11 Made available as CSV files Institution by FoE and level of award ASCED mean & SD (linear trans) AREA mean & SD (linear trans) still of use? ASCED % agreement by scale AREA % agreement by scale CEQ_app_ASCED (legacy, still of use?) Historical files will soon be available again on START

12 Australian Graduate Survey Graduate Destinations Graduate Salaries Graduate Course Experience (CEQ) Postgraduate Destinations Postgraduate Research Experience (PREQ) All shortened PDF files with additional tables an figures in Excel files


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