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1 The mountains on the East Coast.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The mountains on the East Coast."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The mountains on the East Coast

2 2 This city is also known as the “T-Dot” or “T.O.”

3 3 Old McDonald had a farm….

4 4 The world’s tallest free standing structure is in this city

5 5 Big rounded mountains and ocean!

6 6 Look at all the snow up here – and its summer time!

7 7 Gentle hills, lots of lakes, aahh summer

8 8 oil and gas gets the world moving

9 9 Look at those rapids over the hard exposed rock!

10 10 Mining

11 11 Fishing for cod on the ocean

12 12 The biggest grassland in the world!

13 13 Mrs Hughes at the top of the Adirondack mountain range in New York State – 3 hours south of here

14 14 Heat & pressure

15 15 …making sediment

16 16 Molten rock is…

17 17 California – 15 ft in 20s

18 18 Sleeping volcanoes….

19 19 Fold mountains

20 20 Crust…

21 21 Convection Currents

22 22 Continental Drift vs …

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