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Physical Features in Texas

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1 Physical Features in Texas
Unit 1 Lesson 2

2 List as many physical features as you can on this side of the chart.
Found in Texas! List as many physical features as you can on this side of the chart. Place a check in this box if the feature is found in the state of Texas.

3 Sunken area in a plateau found between mountain ranges.
Basin Sunken area in a plateau found between mountain ranges.

4 Landform Physical land features such as mountains, plateaus, hills, plains, desert or forest

5 Gulf part of the ocean (or sea) that is partly surrounded by land (it is usually larger than a bay)

6 Mountain large landform that stretches above the surrounding land in an area usually in the form of a peak

7 a large area of level or nearly level land
Plain a large area of level or nearly level land

8 Plateau a broad, level landform that has steep cliffs on at least one side and higher elevation than the surrounding land.

9 Resources produced by the Earth that can be used to sustain life
Natural resource Resources produced by the Earth that can be used to sustain life

10 Land bridge (Bering Strait)
A land bridge used by early Native Americans to migrate to North America

11 The science or occupation of farming.
Agriculture The science or occupation of farming.

12 climate The average temperatures and weather for an area (hot, warm, mild, cool, cold)

13 The plants of an area or region
vegetation The plants of an area or region

14 precipitation The amount of water an area receives in the form of rain, snow, sleet, ice

15 The height of a piece of land or landform above or below sea level
elevation The height of a piece of land or landform above or below sea level

16 Wearing away of the earth’s surface by water, wind, and ice
erosion Wearing away of the earth’s surface by water, wind, and ice

17 Method used to water grass, plants, and crops
irrigation Method used to water grass, plants, and crops

18 Draw a map of a make believe land.
Include 7 features you learned about today.

19 Exit Ticket (Pick One) What is the difference between a mesa and a plateau? What part of Texas would you most likely find mountains? What major gulf borders Texas? What is a plain?

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