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Landform Regions of Canada

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1 Landform Regions of Canada

2 Two Factors are responsible for the appearance of all landforms in Canada:
The Underlying Geology (The history, composition and structure of the earth’s crust) The impact of glaciation (the state of being covered by glaciers or massive ice sheets)

3 The 7 Landform Regions: Can be divided into 3 categories:
1) Canadian Shield 2) The Interior Plains 3) Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands 4) Hudson Bay – Arctic Lowlands 5) Appalachian Mountains 6) Innuitian Mountains 7) Western Cordillera Can be divided into 3 categories: Shield Lowlands Highlands

4 What do you see???

5 Shield The Canadian Shield Exposed Bedrock
Hundreds of THOUSANDS of lakes and rivers! Trees?...Mixed Relatively flat…not always the case! LARGE…more than half of Canada! Bedrock = Impermiable which means water does NOT go through


7 Lowlands Interior Plains Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Lowlands
Hudson Bay – Arctic Lowlands - Relatively Flat…Gently Rolling Landscape - Very Fertile - Swampy forests (Hudson Bay) Relatively Flat (not completely flat) - In the interior plains it’s a gently rolling landscape - Niagara Falls Very Fertile -Lots of minerals in the soil, lots of rain


9 Highlands Appalachian Mountains Innuitian Mountains Western Cordillera
- Differentiated - Peaked, rounded and rugged mountain ranges

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