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Presentation on theme: "10/14/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/14/15

2 Find your new seat!

3 Find your new seat!

4 Find your new seat!

5 Find your new seat!

6 Find your new seat!

7 FOA- Creative Thinking!
If you were a leader of the early United States, how would you help people settle and move westward? Would you limit where they could go? Would you create a system for purchasing and settling the land? Would you sell the land or give it away for free? How much would it cost? What would you require for a new territory/area to become a state? Would you allow slavery in these new areas? What about setting up schools? In a paragraph (5-7 sentences), write what your plan would be to help settle the areas west of the United States of America (The area in blue/aqua on the map). You don’t have to answer all of those questions, they are there to help you get started! Be Creative! You have minutes to work! Be ready to share your plan.

8 Central Idea: How did the early US government handle Westward Expansion?
Three ways which they controlled expansion: The Ordinance of 1785 The Northwest Ordinance

9 Background: There are settlers living west of the Appalachian Mountains already, they do not live in any existing states. These western settlers wanted to organize and join their lands as states Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris, the British gave up control of the land north of the Ohio River and west of the Appalachian Mountains. The US government had a challenge on their hands: they needed to establish policies to settle these lands- they needed an orderly process for these new territories to become states.


11 Definitions Ordinance- law or regulation
Territory- an organized part of a country that is not yet admitted as a state

12 The Ordinance of 1785 In 1785 the Confederation Congress passed an ordinance that set up a process to survey and sell the lands north of the Ohio River. The government would sell each section of the new areas at a public auction, or sale, for at least a dollar an acre. This Ordinance did not say anything about the rights of the people moving west. This law split the large area into townships that were 6 miles long and 6 miles wide. How would you have further split up the township? Where would you put government buildings? Where would you put schools? Take the next 5 minutes and sketch out how you would have designed a township


14 Indiana Map Versus Tennessee Map

15 Why was the Ordinance of 1785 important?
The Ordinance of 1785 was important because it began the process of settling lands in the western territories. It also provided order and structure. It set aside land for public education and schools- a big step forward.

16 The Northwest Ordinance (1787)
It created a single Northwest Territory from lands north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River. The plan was to eventually divide the land into 3-5 smaller territories. When a territory has 60,000 residents, the people could apply for statehood (aka becoming a state).

17 Northwest Ordinance (1787)
The Northwest Ordinance had a bill of rights for the settlers in the territory. It guaranteed freedom of religion and trial by jury. It also stated, “There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in said territory.” This clause, or condition added to the document, marked the first attempt to stop the spread of slavery in the United States.

18 Why was the Northwest Ordinance important?
Because it gave rights to the people settling out west. They had basic rights like freedom of religion and trial by jury. Also slavery was not allowed. It allowed the area to be settled peacefully and orderly. And the laws were generally successful. Helped create states: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan Fast forward to 40 seconds in (4 Minutes)

19 You will have a quiz over these notes and the PowerPoint tomorrow
You will have a quiz over these notes and the PowerPoint tomorrow! Study! Fast-forward: Tomorrow after the quiz and Friday we will be investigating the first attempt at government after the Revolutionary War. Not the Constitution, but the Articles of Confederation. We will learn why it eventually is replaced by the Constitution.

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