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What do you know about it?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you know about it?
Underground Railroad What do you know about it?

2 An informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by black slaves to escape to free states & Canada. Abolitionists helped slaves to destination Traveled mainly on foot or by wagon

3 Terms Conductors Stations Stockholders Agents passengers

4 Symbols Slaves were uneducated and illiterate
Drinking gourd song & constellation provided slaves with coded directions for an Underground Railroad escape route north from Alabama & Mississippi. It instructs escapees to travel up the Tombigbee River, cross over to the Tennessee River, and follow it to the Ohio River where they could cross to freedom in the North.

5 Symbols Quilts Quilts were used to signal & direct slaves to escape routes & assistance 10 quilt patterns Placed one at a time on a fence Signal to prepare to escape and give direction

6 Lantern in the window Of a house was a sign of a “safe house” for food & shelter.

7 Link to Goodridge home in York

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