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Why we study history Students commonly do one of two things in history class : 1. Study without any thought as to the importance of the information.

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Presentation on theme: "Why we study history Students commonly do one of two things in history class : 1. Study without any thought as to the importance of the information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why we study history Students commonly do one of two things in history class : 1. Study without any thought as to the importance of the information. Or 2. Continually question why we need to study history. Select one of the quotes below that you agree with the most then give 1 specific reason as to why you agree with that quote? We study history because past events have an impact on us today. We study history because we can learn from the mistakes of the past. We study history because we interact with people around the world.

2 Your Task 5 minutes Draw a picture of what YOU think a historian looks like DO THE BEST YOU CAN… YOU ARE NOT PICASSO… OR ARE YOU? Be prepared to discuss the job a historian performs

3 Discussion Questions What did you include in your drawing? Why?
Tally Time: Man White Glasses Bald/Balding Book Why these stereotypes?

4 Historian - Defined his·to·ri·an (hĭ-stôr'ē-ən, -stōr'-, -stŏr'-) n.
A writer, student, or scholar of history. One who writes or compiles a chronological record of events; a chronicler. THIS IS YOU!

5 What is History? “History is the lie commonly agreed upon” – Voltaire
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past” – George Orwell How do we view history?

6 What is History?

7 What is History?

8 Why Study History? Everyday skills

9 Why Study History? Be An Informed Citizen! What issues concern you?
Creation of well paying jobs? The war in Iraq? Safety from Terrorism? Affordable college? Gas prices? Candidates motivation and vision?

10 Why Study History? Connections to Present Day

11 Why We Study History David C. McCullough: History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.

12 Students always ask… Why are we learning about these old, dead, boring people? And… What does this have to do with me, my life, and how can I use this information in the real world?...

13 Mr. Book’s simple answer…
Learn to learn from those that have come before.

14 1. Determine our Nature How do we act in certain circumstances?
Are we naturally good or bad?

15 2. Events that Tell How our Society Came to be.
Developments such as wars, technological innovations, social movements, political ideas, etc. Past (A) Present (B)

16 3. Understand our Society’s Values
What do we like and how does that affect the future of our civilization?

17 4. Future Decision Making
Observe consequences of past decisions. Do we make the same decisions, or different decisions? Do the same choices/decisions keep repeating over and over?

18 Have we learned from our mistakes?
You be the judge Think globally (not just the U.S.) Do we see our decisions as mistakes?

19 5. Analyzing Art Observe the deeper meaning to understand ideas and feelings associated with certain eras. The arts capture societies moods/ideas/concepts of the times

20 6. Experience Change through Time.
Learn how to perceive change: Should we panic or be calm?

21 7. Cultural Appreciation
Similarities/ differences in Religions Foods Languages Music Lifestyles Etc.


23 The Big Question…

24 Does History repeat itself?…

25 Class Assignment

26 Does History Repeat Itself?
Answer this question in your notes One paragraph response Discuss with a partner sitting next to you Let’s share our responses as a class

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