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Elders- Positive Qualifications

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1 Elders- Positive Qualifications

2 Review Of Previous Lesson
Must Be A Man Must Desire The Office Blameless (KJV) or Without Reproach (ASV) Of Good Behavior (KJV) or Orderly (ASV) Patient

3 Review Of Previous Lesson
Vigilant Sober (KJV) or Sober Minded (ASV) Temperate (KJV) & Self-controlled (ASV) Just Holy

4 Review Of Previous Lesson
Have A Good Report Of Them That Are Without

5 Given To Hospitality 1 Tim. 3:2 Titus 1:8
“Elders should be courteous, friendly, , and kindly disposed” “A lover of strangers” Rom. 12:13

6 A Lover Of Good Men (KJV) Or A Lover Of Good (ASV)
Titus 1:8 “ a lover of good deeds, good things, good people, good in general” 2 Tim. 3:3 Phil. 4:8

7 Apt to teach 1 Tim. 3:2 “skilled in teaching”
“This demands a knowledge of the word, plus the ability to convey the message to others.” James Boyd

8 Husband Of One Wife 1 Tim. 3:2 Titus 1:6
They are to be family men married to one woman Heb. 13:4

9 Rule Well His Own House Or Family
1 Tim. 3:4-5 Titus 1:6

10 Elders-positive qualifications lesson 2
Faithful, Able, Willing Titus 1:9-11 Must be men who are firm in what they know to be true-men who are “sold” on the gospel They must use their knowledge and wisdom to defend the truth Organization of the church

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