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The Presidency.

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Presentation on theme: "The Presidency."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Presidency

2 Foundations Article II is shorter than Article I Powers
Why? Powers Commander in Chief Chief Executive Chief Diplomat Legislative Leader Executive agreement v. treaty

3 Foundations National election Singular authority
Andrew Jackson Whig theory v. Stewardship theory Singular authority No need for strong president around Civil War U.S. history with isolationism Transition to industry

4 Choosing a President Four systems of presidential selection (Table p. 314) Electoral College Why? Original set-up President chosen by electors picked by states 1828 states link electors with popular vote Party conventions as well 1904 Progressives give us the primary (indirect) Minority at first 1972 Majority primary or open party caucus

5 Choosing a President Momentum in primaries Conventions
Need money FECA 1974—matching funds but must limit Conventions After 1972, not so much fun Election Strategy 538 votes—Need 270 Unit rule Closeness of vote will determine where candidates go

6 Choosing a President Media—TV
Debates Once you are nominee, you can get matching money but you cannot spend anything else (about $85M in 2008) Criteria—35, natural-born citizens, 14 year resident What types of offices get you to be President?

7 Staffing Obviously this is too much for one person… Executive Office
Created in 1939 (Brownlow Committee) WHO, OMB, NSC VP Webster: “I do not propose to be buried until I am really dead” Changes with Carter How pick a VP? Why Biden? Why Palin?

8 Staffing White House Office Policy experts Cabinet Hard to control
Communications, Press Secretary, Counsel, Legislative Affairs Hire and fire at will Policy experts National Economic Council Cabinet Head of 15 executive departments Confirm by Senate Outmoded as policymaking firm Hard to control

9 Leadership Circumstance Stage of Term Nature of the issue
Honeymoon period—Strategic presidency FDR’s “Hundred Days” Nature of the issue Two presidencies No interest groups

10 Relationship with Congress
Veto has limits…why? Need to persuade More likely to succeed when H and S are same party Impeachment Process You will need to know this Budget Impoundment Act of 1974 Signing statements War Powers Act

11 Public Support Approval ratings Lots of television
First-year v. final-year v. average Clinton is the weirdo here. Why? Rally ‘round the flag Really ties to the economy Lots of television “Going public” “Bully pulpit” Unfair economic coverage? “Illusion of Presidential Government”

12 For Tuesday… Be ready to discuss differences between Hamilton/Brutus on taxes… Be ready to discuss the 2010 elections… With this, be ready to talk about the Obama video and how we feel about his administration thus far What differences in eras does Neustadt find that make it unlikely for modern presidents to have Rooseveltesque “Hundred Days”? Using Hartke and Pfiffner…why did the Framers decide to use the Electoral College? What do you think about it today? Kelley CR will help with Paper 2…

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