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The Student Progress Dashboard

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1 The Student Progress Dashboard
Part of the ITEAM Project Julie Vuolo and Liz Gormley-Fleming, Learning and Teaching Institute, University of Hertfordshire

2 The Student Progress Dashboard
A development which pulls together information about module level engagement and assessment performance and displays it in a student and staff view within the University’s VLE To help staff identify where support for individuals or groups of students might be needed To help students with the self-regulation of their studies.

3 Average grade Modules Traffic lights Skills and attributes
(pre-set benchmarks) Skills and attributes

4 Student input Student input into the design and functionality is crucial if they are to find the dashboard of value Student feedback about what they want has shaped the on-going development

5 Example feedback ..wanted to know where they were in relation to others as this would be a motivator to do better (did not feel it would de-motivate them to know they were at the lower end of the league table). ..said the currency/completeness of data is important if dashboard is to be meaningful to them ..wanted re-assurance that their information would only be seen by ‘those needing it’ ..were interested in what else could go in there e.g. book loans, attendance, module pass/fail rates (one-stop shop approach) ..would like a predictor or calculator for working out final classification

6 Impact Students: an opportunity to take responsibility for and be actively involved in their academic journey Teaching staff: an opportunity to monitor individual and cohort progress be pro-active in giving support target support where most needed reflect on implications of learning, teaching and assessment strategies

7 Implications ?Increased student anxiety about progress
?Increased requests for support (resource implications?) Could the data help with other aspects of L&T e.g. BME attainment or Disabled student support? Are teaching staff ready for analytics? Will this development be outpaced by other changes?

8 Transferability Giving students an insider view on their learning journey is important if they are to drive their own learning. Key messages: Use staff and student feedback to establish core design principles Make data accessible & understandable for students Help students understand how to use the data to make informed choices Encourage staff to use the data to be pro-active and reflective BME for example?

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