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Earth Demo The movements of the Earth cause day and night, as well as the seasons. We will explore Earth’s movements. Model rotation. Model revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Demo The movements of the Earth cause day and night, as well as the seasons. We will explore Earth’s movements. Model rotation. Model revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Demo The movements of the Earth cause day and night, as well as the seasons. We will explore Earth’s movements. Model rotation. Model revolution

2 Earth Name the shape of the Earth. Sphere
Examples: basketball, baseball

3 Earth Describe why most objects in space are spheres.
All objects are attracted by gravity to the center.

4 Earth Define Axis. Imaginary vertical line around which the Earth spins.

5 Earth Define Rotation. What causes day and night? Earth’s rotation
The spinning of the Earth on its axis. What causes day and night? Earth’s rotation

6 Earth How many hours does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation? 24 hours How many rotations does the Earth complete in one year? About 365

7 Earth counterclockwise
Which way does the Earth rotate? Imagine being on the ceiling looking down on the classroom. counterclockwise (to the left)

8 Earth It takes 365 days for Earth to travel around the Sun once, so how far does it travel in one day? 1/365th How many degrees in a circle? 360 So about how many degrees does the Earth travel in one day? One degree

9 Earth Describe a Magnetic Field.
The movement of material inside Earth’s core, along with Earth’s rotation, generates a magnetic field.

10 Earth Define Revolution. What causes seasons? Earth’s revolution
One complete orbit around the Sun. What causes seasons? Earth’s revolution

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