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Patent Searching Appendix

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1 Patent Searching Appendix

2 Patent content Reaxys covers the C07, A61K, C09B, and A01N IPC Codes from the European, US, and World, Japan, S Korea, China, and Taiwan patent offices. Business model originally based on industry measurement that important patents will always have an English language corresponding World, EP or US patent code. Expansion to Asian patents was based on customer feedback For chemistry patent searches, the industry recognizes Reaxys as a better platform for systematic & in-depth content retrieval because of the detail in which you are able to search. Generic literature searching retrieves information from journals and patents simultaneously.  Regardless of which solution you use, if your patent searching will focus on FTO, Infringement and Validity- it is recommended to enhance a user based platform with STN or STN Easy. e.

3 Detailed Patent Fields in Reaxys Makes Finding Relevant Patent Documents Much Faster
Patent Assignee Common Patent Number Country Code Patent Country Code Patent Number Patent Status Patent Year Patents: Application number Date of filing Date of publication Family member: Indexed patent Status code Patent number Inventor Main IPC Manually excerpted Priority number Priority date Secondary IPC

4 Searching For a Patent Number with the Documents Form
Search the Common Patent Number field for publication or application numbers.   

5 Common Patent Number Field
This field contains application and patent numbers; however, seen on the next slide requires the use of an * to find / , - or leading zeros. The drop down box does not indicate the presence or absence of a document in this field.

6 Using the Wildcard * to find WO2016/64957
Use an * to find / , - or leading zeros, however, using the * the drop down box does not indicate the presence or absence of a document in this field.

7 Results for WO2016*64957

8 Results for WO2016*64957

9 Searching for Structures in Patents

10 Searching for Structures in Patents

11 Searching for Structures in Patents

12 Searching for Structures in Patents

13 Searching for Structures in Patents

14 Looking for Patents Describing the Scaffold
The Priority date or Filing date can be used here Keep using the More + button to find the under Priority Date under the Reaxys Bibliography section or Search the properties lookup for priority date

15 Looking for Patents Describing the Scaffold
Using the priority date field will cut down on unwanted patents filed after the original filing date

16 Looking for Patents Describing the Scaffold

17 Searching for Substances as Prior Art

18 Searching for Substances as Prior Art

19 Searching for Substances as Prior Art
Recent article in C&E News discussed the improvements of Fluorinated drugs

20 Searching for Substances as Prior Art

21 Searching for Substances as Prior Art

22 Searching for Substances as Prior Art

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