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The Purpose Behind Presentations

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Presentation on theme: "The Purpose Behind Presentations"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Purpose Behind Presentations
Multimedia Principle The Purpose Behind Presentations

2 Multimedia Principle + = “Blah,” “Blah,” “Blah,”
People learn from words and pictures than from words alone.

3 The Role of Redundancy The Redundancy Principle – “Redundant components can enhance or distract learning . . .”

4 An Understanding “People Learn Better From Words and Pictures Than From Words Alone” Power Point Presentations TV Video Games Incomplete Radio Speech Silent Film

5 Why is this so plain?

6 Why is this so plain? “No decorative images or non-relevant resources”
Nuff Said? Ok, Ok Extra bells and whistles serve as distractions from the main point(s)

7 Can’t Beat the Real Thing
As many principles state: “If I do I understand” – proverb, borrowed from interactivity principle Cognitive Apprenticeship – “learning-through-guided-experience” “Use realistic . . .” – Personalization and Practice Design Principles Multimedia seeks to do this through 3D simulation

8 Information Flow “Use Interfaces to help cognitive load”
How much is too much or too little? Old Facebook vs. New Facebook

9 So Much Crossover Words and pictures create a level of redundancy . . . So do the principles themselves . . .

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