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A Real-Time Learning Technique to Predict Cloud-To-Ground Lightning

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1 A Real-Time Learning Technique to Predict Cloud-To-Ground Lightning
V Lakshmanan1,2 and Gregory Stumpf1,3 1CIMMS/University of Oklahoma 2NSSL 3NWS/MDL 12/3/2018

2 Motivation Short term 0-1hr warning for intense cloud-to-ground lightning is valuable to the National Weather Service Real-time ground truth available Real-time learning algorithm that adapts to the changing nature of storms, the near-storm environment, the season, geography, etc? 12/3/2018

3 General Idea Observations Target Computed Functions Inputs Advection
Forecast+30 Target-30 Forecast t0-30 min t0+30 min t0 12/3/2018

4 Inputs Inputs are gridded fields
research has shown that the following fields may predict subsequent lightning activity: Reflectivity at certain constant height and temperature levels Presence of mixed phase precipitation (graupel) just above melting level Earlier lightning activity associated with storm To minimize radar geometry problems, all the inputs are created using 3D multiple-radar grids. Inputs Target-30 t0-30 min 12/3/2018

5 Reflectivity at Constant T Levels
Combine data from multiple radars into a 3D multi-radar merged product Integrate this 3D radar grid with thermodynamic data from the RUC model analysis grids dBZ at a constant height of T=-10C is shown 3D radar grid from KMLB, KAMX, KTBW, at 1626 UTC 16 July 2004 12/3/2018

6 Echo top input Maximum height of 30dBZ echo is shown
3D radar grid from KMLB, KAMX, KTBW, at 1626 UTC 16 July 2004 12/3/2018

7 Target Target is a lightning density field
Computed from lightning activity in the previous 15 minutes Advected backward by the prediction interval to account for storm movement. So that we can do pixel-by-pixel prediction Inputs Target-30 t0-30 min 12/3/2018

8 Target Lightning Density Field
Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning strikes are instantaneous Average in space (3km, Gaussian) and time (15 min) 12/3/2018

9 Advecting Target Backwards
We want to predict for each grid pixel However, storms move So, need to correct for storm movement Storm movement estimated using K-means clustering and Kalman filtering 12/3/2018

10 Mapping Function We want a mapping function
Pixel-by-pixel predictor of the vector of inputs to the desired target lightning density Must be fast enough to compute, and learn, in real-time Inputs Target-30 t0-30 min 12/3/2018

11 Linear Radial Basis Functions
Weighted average of multi-dimensional Gaussian functions, so it is a non-linear system If you keep xn fixed, this is a linear system. Solve for sigma and weights by inverting a matrix 12/3/2018

12 Mapping Function For example, one of the inputs is dBZ at a constant height of T = -10C This is the relationship between the reflectivity values and CG lightning activity 30 minutes later (t min) 12/3/2018

13 Prediction When predicting, gather the inputs at the current time, then use the same mapping function to make forward prediction Then advect that forecast field forward by 30 minutes Inputs Forecast+30 Forecast t0+30 min 12/3/2018

14 Example CG ltg Density at t0 dBZ at a constant ht of T=-10C at t0
Forecast CG ltg Density at t min Observed CG ltg Density at t min 12/3/2018

15 Future Test using a variety of input fields, lightning density functions, and forecast intervals Results to be reported at a future AMS conference If successful, may be implemented in AWIPS to serve as guidance for future NWS lightning warning products 12/3/2018

16 Summary Very much a work in progress Thanks for listening! Questions?

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