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Kislingbury Neighbourhood Plan 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Kislingbury Neighbourhood Plan 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kislingbury Neighbourhood Plan 2013
Questionnaire Analysis

2 Sections A: Personal Profile B: Education C: Housing and Development D:Employment and Economic Development E: Community and Environmental Matters F: General and Summary

3 Personal Profile Question A1: What Age Group do you belong to? 11 to 18 Years Old 19 to 24 Years Old 25 to 44 Years Old 45 to 59 Years Old 60 to 74 Years Old 75+ Years Old

4 What Age Group do you belong to?
Question A1: What Age Group do you belong to? 567 A1. Age - Number  Frequency to 18 Years Old 40 7% to 24 Years Old 24 4% to 44 Years Old 108 19% to 59 Years Old 153 27% to 74 Years Old 161 28% Years Old 81 14%

5 Personal Profile Question A2: What is your Gender? Female Male

6 Question A2: What is your Gender? N 565 A2. Gender - Number Frequency
1. - Female 307 54% 2. - Male 258 46%

7 Personal Profile Question A3: How long have you lived in Kislingbury? Less than a year 1 – 5 years 6 – 10 years 11 – 25 years Over 25 years

8 How long have you lived in Kislingbury?
Question A3: How long have you lived in Kislingbury? 566 A3. How long have you lived in Kislingbury - Number  Frequency 1 - Less than a year 36 6% 2 - 1 to 5 Years 92 16% 3 - 6 to 10 Years 61 11% to 25 years 168 30% 5 - Over 25 Years 209 37%

9 Personal Profile Question A4: Employment - Are you? Employed full time Employed part time Self employed Unemployed Homemaker Student/at school Retired

10 Question A4: Employment - Are you? N 565
A4. Employment, Are you? - Number  Frequency 1 - Employed Full Time 177 31% 2 - Employed Part Time 64 11% 3 - Self Employed 44 8% 4 - Unemployed 10 2% 5 - Homemaker 25 4% 6 - Student/At School 45 7 - Retired 200 35%

11 Education Question B5: Do You or anyone in your Household, attend any of the following? Primary School, (please say how many and which School in the Box below) Secondary School, (please say how many and which School in the Box below) Further Education, e.g. Accountancy Studies (Specify below) Adult Education Courses, e.g. Open University (Specify below) OR 5. No Longer in Formal Education

12 Do You or anyone in your Household, attend any of the following?
Question B5: Do You or anyone in your Household, attend any of the following? 569 B5. Education - Primary School - Number of Children  Frequency 539 95% 1 16 3% 2 13 2% 3 0% 569 B5. Education - Secondary School - Number of Children  Frequency 533 94% 1 24 4% 2 10 2% 3 0% 4 528 B5. Education - Adults - Number  Frequency 2 - Secondary School 2 0% 3 - Further Education 6 1% 4 - Adult Education Courses 13 2% 5 - No Longer in Formal Education 507 96%

13 Education Question B6? Is there a Child in the Household attending Pre-School in the Village?

14 Is there a Child in the Household attending Pre-School in the Village?
Question B6? Is there a Child in the Household attending Pre-School in the Village? 311 B6. Child in Pre-School in the Village - Number of Children  Frequency 305 98% 1 6 2%

15 Housing and Development
Question C7: How would you like to see Kislingbury Village develop over the next 15 years? First Section Kislingbury should grow much Larger (i.e. 50 more houses, including the new Bugbrooke Road development. Approx 10% increase) Kislingbury should grow slightly larger (i.e. 10 more houses in addition to the new Bugbrooke Road development. Aprox. 2% increase) Kislingbury should stay the same size as now. (including the new Bugbrooke Road development) Second Section Kislingbury should become part of a greater Northampton Kislingbury would benefit from some limited Green Field Development Kislingbury should be kept as a Rural Village separate from Northampton

16 Question C7: How would you like to see Kislingbury Village develop over the next 15 years? 566 C7. How Should Kislingbury Develop - Section 1 - Number  Frequency 1 - Kislingbury should grow much larger 35 6% 2Kislingbury should grow slightly larger 160 28% 3 - Kislingbury should stay the same size as now 371 66% 559 C7. How Should Kislingbury Develop - Section 2 - Number  Frequency Relative frequency 1 - Kislingbury should become part of greater Northampton 3 1% 2 - Kislingbury would benefit from some limited Green Field Development 15 3% 3 - Kislingbury should be kept as a Rural Village separate from Northampton 541 97%

17 Housing and Development
Question C8: Do you operate a business from your home?

18 Do you operate a business from your home?
Question C8: Do you operate a business from your home? 560 C8. Do you Operate a Business from your Home - Y/N  Frequency No 516 92% Yes 44 8%

19 Housing and Development
Question C9: How important to the Village are the following facilities? Very Important: 2 - Important: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Important. Primary School St Luke's Church Baptist Church The Allotments Playing Field The Sports Clubs The Pubs/Restaurants The Village Shops The Village Greens The Village Hall

20 Question C9: How important to the Village are the following facilities? Very Important: 2 - Important: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Important. Very Important Important Neutral Not Important Number Primary School 84% 9% 3% 4% 546 St Luke’s Church 52% 28% 15% 5% 545 Baptist Church 37% 22% 27% 13% 537 The Allotments 42% 6% 543 Playing Field 79% 18% 2% 1% 544 The Sports Clubs 66% 26% 547 The Pubs/Restaurants 69% 24% 539 The Village Shops 81% 552 The Village Greens 71% 21% The Village Hall 77% 554

21 Question C9: How important to the Village are the following facilities? Very Important: 2 - Important: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Important.

22 Housing and Development
Question C10: If there were to be any developments in the Parish which of the following would you be concerned about? Very Concerned: 2 - Concerned: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Concerned. Impact on the environment Impact on Pre-School resources Impact on Primary School Impact on Secondary School Resources Impact on sports/leisure facilities Community Safety and Crime Impact Social Structure of the Village Impact on the character of the Old Village Employment Opportunities in the Village Transport and Accessibility Impact on Parish character Impact on Sewerage, Power, Telephone, Water Services Capacity of Broadband supply to support increased number of Subscribers Increased parking issues Increased traffic

23 Question C10: If there were to be any developments in the Parish which of the following would you be concerned about? Very Concerned: 2 - Concerned: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Concerned. Very Concerned Concerned Neutral Not Concerned Number Impact on the Environment 66% 27% 4% 2% 543 Impact on Pre-School Resources 40% 30% 24% 6% 529 Impact on Primary School 53% 26% 15% 5% 536 Impact on Secondary School Resources 43% 32% 18% 7% 526 Impact on Sports/Leisure Facilities 38% 33% 21% 8% 537 Community Safety and Crime 74% 3% 545 Impact on Social Structure of the Village 11% 540 Impact on the Character of the Old Village 542 Employment opportunities in the Village 23% 29% 36% 12% 533 Transport and Accessibility 49% 31% 16% 539 Impact on Parish Character 51% Impact on Sewerage, Power, Telephone, Water Services 70% 19% 551 Capacity of Broadband supply to support Increased number of Subscribers 46% 28% 10% Increased Parking issues 62% 541 Increased Traffic 80% 553

24 Question C10: If there were to be any developments in the Parish which of the following would you be concerned about? Very Concerned: 2 - Concerned: 3 - Neutral: 4 - Not Concerned.

25 Housing and Development
Question C11: Which of the activities below are most likely to create increased future employment in the Village? Retail Office Leisure Food and Drink Accommodation, e.g. B&B Online/Internet linked Distribution Small scale manufacturing Large scale manufacturing Agriculture Waste management/ recycling None

26 Online/Internet linked
Question C11: Which of the activities below are most likely to create increased future employment in the Village? No Yes Number Retail 54% 46% 474 Office 62% 38% 464 Leisure 51% 49% 479 Food and Drink 33% 67% 480 Accommodation, e.g. B&B 45% 55% 478 Online/Internet linked 469 Distribution 79% 21% 463 Small Scale Manufacturing 60% 40% 466 Large Scale Manufacturing 84% 16% 462 Agriculture 39% 61% 475 Waste Management/Recycling 76% 24% 461 None 492

27 Question C11: Which of the activities below are most likely to create increased future employment in the Village?

28 Housing and Development
Question C12: Do you believe that Housing Developments would sustain/improve the Character and Social Structure of the Village?

29 Question C12: Do you believe that Housing Developments would sustain/improve the Character and Social Structure of the Village? 552 C12. Do You believe that Housing Developments would improve the Character and Social Structure of the Village  Frequency No 480 87% Yes 72 13%

30 Housing and Development
Question C13: If further housing IS NEEDED what type of housing should it be? No Further Housing Needed Affordable Homes to meet the Needs of Local People Retirement homes Sheltered housing (e.g. housing for elderly and/or disabled) Homes designed with designated office space Large family homes Small family homes Family Homes with gardens suitable for Families Developments which preserve the Character and Social Structure of the Village by their design and plot sizes

31 If further housing IS NEEDED what type of housing should it be?
Question C13: If further housing IS NEEDED what type of housing should it be? No Yes Number No Further Housing Needed 43% 57% 459 Affordable Homes to meet the Needs of Local People 33% 67% 472 Retirement Homes 49% 51% 458 Sheltered Housing (e.g. housing for Elderly and/or Disabled 46% 54% 453 Homes designed with designated Office space 84% 16% 435 Large Family Homes 74% 26% 432 Small Family Homes 438 Family Homes with Gardens suitable for Families 36% 64% 450 Developments which preserve the Character and Social Structure of the Village by their design and plot sizes 25% 75%

32 Question C13: If further housing IS NEEDED what type of housing should it be?

33 Housing and Development
Question C14: If further housing development IS PERMITTED what form should it take? Infill on vacant plots Expansion on the edge of the village Carefully designed groups of less than 30 Large developments of 30 plus Small scale development (less than 10) Infill on Sub-divided plots with existing buildings Further Housing should not be permitted

34 Expansion on the Edge of the Village
Question C14: If further housing development IS PERMITTED what form should it take? No Yes Number Infill on Vacant Plots 36% 64% 445 Expansion on the Edge of the Village 72% 28% 438 Carefully designed Groups of less than 30 75% 25% Large Developments of 30 plus 96% 4% 434 Small Scale Development (less than 10) 34% 66% 472 Infill on Sub-divided plots with existing Buildings 47% 53% 447 Further Housing should not be Permitted 43% 57% 453

35 Question C14: If further housing development IS PERMITTED what form should it take?

36 Housing and Development
Question C15: Should any of the areas of Important Open Spaces outside the Village Confines listed below be protected from future development? East of Beech Lane North End of Willow View Road South of New Bugbrooke Road Site Flood Plain North of the Village South of Camp Lane

37 North End of Willow View Road
Question C15: Should any of the areas of Important Open Spaces outside the Village Confines listed below be protected from future development? No Yes Number East of Beech Lane 17% 83% 518 North End of Willow View Road 23% 77% 520 South of New Bugbrooke Road Site 28% 72% Flood Plain North of Village 16% 84% 523 South of Camp Lane 517

38 Housing and Development
Question C16: Which of the following initiatives would you Support? Top Priority: 2 - Needed Soon: 3 - Nice to Have: 4 - Not Relevant. Traffic Calming on Bugbrooke Road. Increase Sewerage Capacity across the Nene (Pipe is only just adequate for current Village size) Improve Internet Broadband supply Measures to Reduce Noise from the M1 More Flowers, Beautification, Benches

39 Question C16: Which of the following initiatives would you Support? Top Priority: 2 - Needed Soon: 3 - Nice to Have: 4 - Not Relevant. Top Priority Needed Soon Nice to Have Not Relevant Number Traffic Calming on Bugbrooke Road 54% 17% 13% 549 Increase Sewerage Capacity across the Nene 49% 35% 10% 6% 532 Improve Internet Broadband Supply 37% 28% 24% 529 Measures to Reduce Noise from the M1 46% 25% 12% 537 More Flowers, Beautification, Benches 20% 14% 530

40 Employment and Economic Development
Question D17: How easy is it to find the Services below when you need them? Very Easy: 2 - Easy: 3 - Difficult: 4 - Not Available: 5 - Don't Know Plumber Electrician Cleaners Garden Help Car Maintenance Window Cleaner Small Job Builder Large Job Builder Pet Services Painter and Decorator Paper Delivery Hairdresser

41 Question D17: How easy is it to find the Services below when you need them? Very Easy: 2 - Easy: 3 - Difficult: 4 - Not Available: 5 - Don't Know Very Easy Easy Difficult Not Available Don’t Know Number Plumber 43% 38% 8% 1% 10% 530 Electrician 39% 11% 531 Cleaners 27% 32% 30% 523 Garden Help 6% 0% 17% Car Maintenance 34% 5% 3% 20% 518 Window Cleaner 36% 16% 526 Small Job Builder 528 Large Job Builder 33% 23% 520 Pet Services 21% 26% 4% 42% 515 Painter and Decorator 48% 37% 527 Paper Delivery 53% 2% 15% 524 Hairdresser 22%

42 Question D17: How easy is it to find the Services below when you need them? Very Easy: 2 - Easy: 3 - Difficult: 4 - Not Available: 5 - Don't Know

43 Employment and Economic Development
Question D18: How often do you use the following Village Services? Daily: 2 - Weekly: 3 - Monthly: 4 - Occasionally: 5 - Never Post Office Shop Butcher The Sun Inn The Olde Red Lion The Cromwell

44 Question D18: How often do you use the following Village Services? Daily: 2 - Weekly: 3 - Monthly: 4 - Occasionally: 5 - Never Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Never Number Post Office 13% 36% 15% 28% 9% 560 Shop 37% 27% 8% 555 Butcher 2% 20% 14% 549 The Sun Inn 17% 12% 39% 30% 545 The Olde Red Lion 1% 7% 6% 38% 48% 544 The Cromwell 0% 22% 548

45 Employment and Economic Development
Question D19: Is the Village enhanced by the presence of the following Services? Post Office Shop Butcher The Sun Inn The Olde Red Lion The Cromwell

46 Is the Village enhanced by the presence of the following Services?
Question D19: Is the Village enhanced by the presence of the following Services? No Yes Number Post Office 6% 94% 551 Shop 8% 92% 548 Butcher 546 The Sun Inn 539 The Olde Red Lion 23% 77% 535 The Cromwell 9% 91% 542

47 Employment and Economic Development
Question D20: How likely do you think it is that Home Working in Kislingbury will increase over the next 15 Years? Very Likely: 2 - Likely: 3 - Possible: 4 - Not Likely

48 Question D20: How likely do you think it is that Home Working in Kislingbury will increase over the next 15 Years? Very Likely: 2 - Likely: 3 - Possible: 4 - Not Likely 547 D20. How Likely do you think it is that Home Working in Kislingbury will increase over the next 15 years   Frequency 1 - Very Likely 163 30% 2 - Likely 177 32% 3 - Possible 169 31% 4 - Not Likely 38 7%

49 Employment and Economic Development
Question D21: Which of the enhancements listed below are needed to encourage more Home Working? High Speed Broadband Business/Visitor Parking Access to Business Meeting Rooms Business Lunch/Dinner availability

50 Question D21: Which of the enhancements listed below are needed to encourage more Home Working? No Yes Number High Speed Broadband 11% 89% 490 Business/Visitor Parking 70% 30% Access to Business Meeting Rooms 77% 23% 477 Business Lunch/Dinner availability 76% 24% 483

51 Employment and Economic Development
Question D22: Should Kislingbury encourage New Businesses to enter the village to provide employment, vitality, and services to enhance Village life?

52 Question D22: Should Kislingbury encourage New Businesses to enter the village to provide employment, vitality, and services to enhance Village life? 547 D22. Should Kislingbury encourage New Businesses to Enter The Village  Frequency No 300 55% Yes 247 45%

53 Employment and Economic Development
Question D23: Which of the following Sectors would be SUITABLE for Business/Commerce development in the Village? Consumer Shops Office Working - Home and Village based Office Leisure and Sport Food and Drink Accommodation - B&B, Hotel Online/Internet linked Distribution Small scale manufacturing Large scale manufacturing Agriculture Waste management/ recycling

54 Question D23: Which of the following Sectors would be SUITABLE for Business/Commerce development in the Village? No Yes Number Consumer Shops 44% 56% 216 Office Working – Home and Village Based 16% 84% Leisure and Sport 32% 68% 221 Food and Drink 34% 66% 226% Accommodation - B&B, Hotel 36% 64% 220 Online/Internet linked 18% 82% 215 Distribution 89% 11% 213 Small Scale Manufacturing 45% 55% Large Scale Manufacturing 95% 5% 214 Agriculture 20% 80% 226 Waste Management/Recycling 79% 21% 211

55 Question D23: Which of the following Sectors would be SUITABLE for Business/Commerce development in the Village?

56 Employment and Economic Development
Question D24: Which of the following Business/Commerce Sectors would MOST LIKELY create Employment Opportunities in the Village? Consumer Shops Office Working - Home and Village based Office Leisure and Sport Food and Drink Accommodation - B&B, Hotel Online/Internet linked Distribution Small scale manufacturing Large scale manufacturing Agriculture Waste management/ recycling

57 Question D24: Which of the following Business/Commerce Sectors would MOST LIKELY create Employment Opportunities in the Village? No Yes Number Consumer Shops 39% 61% 214 Office Working – Home and Village Based 27% 73% 213 Leisure and Sport 33% 67% 217 Food and Drink 210 Accommodation - B&B, Hotel 207 Online/Internet linked 44% 56% 209 Distribution 70% 30% 202 Small Scale Manufacturing 34% 66% 218 Large Scale Manufacturing 74% 26% 205 Agriculture 32% 68% Waste Management/Recycling 69% 31% 198

58 Question D24: Which of the following Business/Commerce Sectors would MOST LIKELY create Employment Opportunities in the Village?

59 Employment and Economic Development
Question D25: Which Sectors of those listed below are most likely to CREATE Home Working/New Businesses? Consumer Shops Office Working - Home and Village based Office Leisure and Sport Food and Drink Accommodation - B&B, Hotel Online/Internet linked Distribution Small scale manufacturing Large scale manufacturing Agriculture Waste management/ recycling

60 Question D25: Which Sectors of those listed below are most likely to CREATE Home Working/New Businesses? No Yes Number Consumer Shops 72% 28% 194 Office Working – Home and Village Based 14% 86% 205 Leisure and Sport 66% 34% 196 Food and Drink 61% 39% 195 Accommodation - B&B, Hotel 44% 56% Online/Internet linked 23% 77% 204 Distribution 83% 17% Small Scale Manufacturing 53% 47% 203 Large Scale Manufacturing 95% 5% 192 Agriculture 58% 42% Waste Management/Recycling

61 Question D25: Which Sectors of those listed below are most likely to CREATE Home Working/New Businesses?

62 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E26: Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Extended?

63 Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Extended?
Question E26: Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Extended? 543 E26. Do you think that the Conservation Area should be Extended  Frequency No 281 52% Yes 262 48%

64 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E27: Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Reduced?

65 Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Reduced?
Question E27: Do You Think that the Conservation Area should be Reduced? 533 E.27 Do you think that the Conservation Area should be Reduced  Frequency No 523 98% Yes 10 2%

66 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E28: Are there any environmental projects you would like to see developed in the Village? More allotments More public seating Pocket Park More landscape management (e.g. hedges/trees)

67 More Landscape Management (e.g. Hedges/Trees
Question E28: Are there any environmental projects you would like to see developed in the Village? No Yes Number More Allotments 60% 40% 492 More Public Seating 39% 61% 499 Pocket Park 41% 59% 503 More Landscape Management (e.g. Hedges/Trees 27% 73% 517

68 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E29: Do you support feasibility studies for Projects in the following areas? Energy from Recycling Waste Energy from Wind Energy from Water Energy from Heat Pumps Garden Water from River or Bore Holes

69 Energy from Recycling Waste
Question E29: Do you support feasibility studies for Projects in the following areas? No Yes Number Energy from Recycling Waste 44% 56% 511 Energy from Wind 58% 42% 512 Energy from Water 37% 63% 508 Energy from Heat Pumps 48% 52% 496 Garden Water from River or Bore Holes 505

70 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E30: Are you concerned that future Developments may cause problems with the Mains Sewer Capacity Pipe where it crosses the River?

71 Question E30: Are you concerned that future Developments may cause problems with the Mains Sewer Capacity Pipe where it crosses the River? 541 E30. Are you concerned that Future Developments will cause problems with Sewer Capacity over the River  Frequency No 48 9% Yes 493 91%

72 Community and Environmental Matters
Question E31: Do you have any problems with inadequate mains sewers?

73 Do you have any problems with inadequate mains sewers?
Question E31: Do you have any problems with inadequate mains sewers? 535 E31. Do you have problems with Inadequate Sewers  Frequency No 431 81% Yes 104 19%

74 General and Summary Question F33: Having completed this questionnaire would you please list your five highest priorities by question number, the FIRST being the most important 1st Priority - C7 2nd Priority - C15 3rd Priority - C16 4th Priority - C10 5th Priority - C13

75 Question F33: Having completed this questionnaire would you please list your five highest priorities by question number, the FIRST being the most important 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority 5th Priority Weight Rank c7 122 37 32 14 8 890 1st c15 43 38 46 39 20 603 2nd c16 41 36 34 27 21 526 3rd c10 26 61 18 19 10 476 4th c13 23 28 15 380 5th c14 12 16 25 13 255 6th c9 9 6 17 208 7th e26 11 179 8th c12 5 148 9th d19 3 147 10th e30 135 11th e28 7 113 12th d21 103 13th d18 4 88 c11 73 e29 2 1 64 e31 63 d22 45 d23 e27 f34 d20 d24 d25 e32 c17 d17 c8

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