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Coming To England Scott Wilkie Year 4

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1 Coming To England Scott Wilkie Year 4

2 ‘She had felt the barrier crumble.’


4 ‘I would forgive anyone or anything because I was happy.’


6 ‘We are going to come against more barriers in the future but there would be ways to break them down with our competitiveness.’


8 ‘Land of hope and glory.’


10 ‘To feel you belong is the most important necessity in life.’


12 ‘I always say that childhood lasts a lifetime.’


14 ‘I felt a swell of disappointment rising inside.’


16 ‘It’s a time of excitement and discovery.’


18 ‘We really enjoyed this book because it wasn’t like the books that we usually read. I liked learning about Floella’s life and the struggles she went through.’ Ameera, aged 8 ‘After reading the book, I could really see how different life and communities were then and now. I went Trinidad and someone told sometimes children are still sent away from their parents so they can have a better life. That’s sad but we should always have hope that things will get better like it did for Floella.’ Daniel, aged 8

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