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Bringing RTI to Scale in Oregon

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing RTI to Scale in Oregon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing RTI to Scale in Oregon
Evolution or Intelligent Design?

2 Lessons Learned… It's a wise man who profits by his own experience, but it's a good deal wiser one who lets the rattlesnake bite the other fellow. Josh Billings


4 To Cohort or Not to Cohort
That is the question Or In this case the poll

5 Evolution of RTI in TTSD & Birth of OrRTI
2001: EBIS OSEP Grant; Reading & SPED incorporated 2005: TTSD develops RTI TAP for ODE; OrRTI is Born : Highly focused PD with EBIS teams on MTI/RTI principles 2011: OrRTI Supports 50 Districts to INSTALL, IMPLEMENT, and SUSTAIN RTI 1996: EBS

6 In the Beginning… OrRTI focused on the WHAT of RTI

7 Pentagon of RTI BIG RTI: Support for All Learners Little rti: LD Identification
Multi-tiered, Research-based Core Curriculum & Interventions Universal Screening & Progress Monitoring Standardized Decision Rules & Procedures Integrity of Implementation and Sustainability rti (Little rti: LD Identification) Effective Teaming & Problem Solving ALL LEARNERS

8 Today… OrRTI focuses on the How as well

9 Core Implementation Drivers
Successful Student Outcomes RTI Integrity and Sustainability Drivers?! What Drivers? Who’s Driving? Where are we going? Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Systems Intervention Training Facilitative Administration Competency Drivers Organization Drivers There are two categories of Implementation Drivers: Competency and Organization. When these core components are in place they provide the support to a successful implementation that will be sustained. Competency Drivers are mechanisms that help to develop, improve, and sustain one’s ability to implement an intervention to benefit students. Competency Drivers include: Selection, Training, Coaching, and Performance Assessment Organization Drivers are mechanisms to create and sustain hospitable organizational and systems environments for effective educational services. Organization Drivers include: Decision Support Data System, Facilitative Administration, and Systems Intervention PD is not a panacea to address every problem PD must be housed in a systems to support this effective practices resulting in successful sustainable student outcomes. Core Implementation Drivers Selection Decision Support Data System Leadership Adaptive Technical Capacity to Provide Direction/Vision of Process © Fixsen & Blase, 2008

10 In the Beginning… We thought Rome was built in a day

11 Today… We know it takes at least 2 years!

12 Stages of Implementation
Implementation occurs in stages: Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Innovation Sustainability 2 – 4 Years Consensus Fidelity Efficacy Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005

13 Three Levels of Support
Consultation: Installation Full Implementation Consultation: Sustainability and Innovation

14 One Primary Goal Help districts build internal capacity to Train
Sustain Innovate Adapt

15 Question to Consider… Do you/does your state focus on just the WHAT, or on the HOW as well?

16 Support Delivery Vehicles
Phone & Consultation Conference Style Training On-site Visits (177 visit days last year) Consultation Trainings Lab Schools ESD Collaboration Website: Videos, Presentations, Materials

17 Year 1 Scope and Sequence
September/October Initial Training Conference Consensus Core Instruction Universal Screening School-wide Data Analysis and Teaming Implementation Science & Drivers Districts complete District Implementation Evaluation Tool-School Based & District Based (DIET-SB & DIET-DB)

18 Year 1 Scope and Sequence
September/October OrRTI Professional Development calendar completed Budget for OrRTI funds completed Begin /work on: District Implementation Tracking Plan EBIS/RTI Handbook First half of flow-through funds distributed

19 Implementation Tracking Plan

20 RTI Handbook Example

21 Year 1 Scope and Sequence
November – March In-district trainings conducted Consensus building Infrastructure Skill Development On-site consultation & training Development of the District Implementation Plan and RTI Handbook

22 Year 1 Scope and Sequence
February Second Conference: Tier II Implementation Science & Drivers April Implementation Plans & Handbooks due to TTSD May Spring Conference Districts receive final implementation feedback Final flow-through payments are distributed Contingent upon completion of Implementation Plan & RTI Handbook

23 Year 2 Scope and Sequence
District continues development, training, implementation, and fidelity checks All of year 1 systems Tier II & III interventions Progress Monitoring Data analysis and application of decision rules October: 3rd Conference, Problem Solving

24 Year 2 Scope and Sequence
December: Final RTI Handbook Due April: Final Implementation Plan due Spring Conference District implements RTI system, including LD identification when appropriate

25 Bringing it to Scale: 50 Districts and Counting
Levels of Support Lab Schools Mini Grants ESDs

26 “Stop asking me if we’re almost there; we’re Nomads, for crying out loud.”

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