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The Creation of Honeycomb-Structured Materials with Advanced Function

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1 The Creation of Honeycomb-Structured Materials with Advanced Function
Artrease Spann

2 Method for Creating Honeycomb Structured Material
0.125 g EMA 0.5 g NH4Cl 0.5 g urea 0.05 g resorcinol 25 mL nanopure H2O Combine and leave stirring until completely dissolved Adjust pH to 3.5 with NaOH Heat to 55oC Add 6g Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) NB carbon nanofibers do not have to be included to create honeycomb structured material Stir at 55oC for 15m DCPD to emulsify Add 3mL formaldehyde 0.5g CNF** The result Sonicate and agitate 1.5 55oC

3 50μm STM Image

4 50μm

5 50μm 50μm

6 50μm 50μm

7 50μm 50μm

8 3 μm

9 1 μm





14 Conclusions All images from the same sample
overall pore size ranges from 1-3microns in diameter most pore sizes are 2microns pores look to be created from broken capsules

15 Questions Why the smooth surface What is responsible for the honeycomb How do you ensure you get honeycomb What are the physical properties Can you evenly coat a surface with honeycombs Are there 3D honeycombs – are the cavities interconnected Does the introduction of Nanotubes make for a more robust structure Do the Nanotubes affect honeycomb formation?? Why the difference between the smooth and open surface domains

16 50μm

17 Method for Creating Honeycomb Structure
0.125g EMA 0.5g NH4Cl 0.5g urea 0.05g resorcinol 25mL nanopure H2O Combined and left stirring Until completely dissolved adjust pH to 3.5 Using NaOH Heated to 55oC 6g Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) Stir at 55oC for 15 min DCPD should emulsify 3mL formaldehyde 0.5g CNF** Sonicate Agitate 1.5 55oC **graphatized carbon nanofibers do not have to be included to create honeycomb structure

18 50μm

19 SEM Images -All images from the same sample
-overall pore size ranges from 1-3microns in diameter -most pore sizes are 2microns -pores look to be created from broken capsules

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