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Exploring the Views and Experiences of Disabled Students in Assessment and Feedback at a University in London, England Eleanor Girt, Head of Disability.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Views and Experiences of Disabled Students in Assessment and Feedback at a University in London, England Eleanor Girt, Head of Disability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Views and Experiences of Disabled Students in Assessment and Feedback at a University in London, England Eleanor Girt, Head of Disability Dyslexia and Access Centre Sharon Gallagher, PhD Student

2 Overview of UEL Aims Research design Results Way forward

3 UEL is one of the UKs most diverse and fastest growing universities. 23,000 students from 120 countries worldwide. Our students tend to be from non- traditional backgrounds and older In 2009/10 over 2300 students disclosed they had a disability.

4 Aim: To give disabled students an opportunity to give their views on assessment and feedback.

5 RQ1: What did students with a wide range of disabilities in one particular institution feel about the types of assessments required for their degree programme? RQ2: Were there some varieties of assessment preferred over others? RQ3: Did the students feel that this preference was related to their disability?

6 All students who had disclosed a disability were invited to fill in a questionnaire and attend a student focus group.

7 QuantitativeQualitative First we used a quantitative design to reach as many disabled students as possible and ascertain what problems they had with assessment and feedback procedures Secondly we adopted a qualitative approach to focus on specific issues raised in the quantitative design

8 Advisory group of disabled students Questionnaire designed using surveymonkey (online tool) Assessment Experience Questionnaire found at: Emailed all students whom had disclosed and were currently enrolled (UEL database)


10 Over 2000 students were emailed the link to questionnaire 118 responded 10 of whom did not have a disability




14 DisabilityTotal Numbers Specific Learning Difference 50 Mobility11 Medical2 Visual Impairment2 Deaf/ hearing impairment 3 Mental Health9 2 or more17 Autism/Aspergers1 Not known1





19 I would be more confident, have increased verbal/written fluency be more decisive and less anxious


21 Focus group Chose questions that emerged from quantitative study Chose a disabled postgraduate student facilitator (with an assistant ) Publicised the event across campuses Emailed and text to remind students Provided lunch (for approx 12) Offered a £20 voucher from a supermarket

22 49 students attended focus group on one campus (4 unidentifiable) One student attended on the following week at other campus

23 Facilitator: In the questionnaire, essay exams were the least favourite for our students. Why do you think that is?

24 Well I think there are some practical issues...things take twice as long as able bodied this morning, I had to get up at get to an exam at 9:30am. I am knackered before I even start..... Id rather have it at the beginning, so I can arrive half an hour later.....

25 Current inclusive curriculum policy does not necessarily work for students with disabilities Students experience of support from Tutor varied from year to year Students value feedback but preferred it face – to-face Unclear what the reasons are for preferred types of assessment

26 Non Difference Time Comprehension Difference Themes

27 Feedback Time frame for picking up assignments Students felt tutors did not always understand their disability and/or their needs Students often did not understand what the tutor was requiring for the assessment Results

28 Text reminders about assignments ready to be picked up One to one feedback Web 2.0 Extenuation – different for disabled students

29 Towards Inclusion - e-learning and face to face training for all staff Work with Director of Learning and Teaching re assessment and feedback Work with Chair of Extenuation panel?

30 As this is a work in progress we appreciate any feedback you have for us

31 Eleanor Girt Head of Disability Dyslexia and Access Centre Sharon Gallagher PhD Student Annastacia Regan Acting Disability/Dyslexia Advisor Email:


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