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Human Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Geography

2 Do Now How has the world become more connected in your lifetime? Is this connection positive or negative? What are the three types of regions?

3 Standard and Objective
Standard: APHG 1C Objective: Students will be able to critically analyze global patterns and processes through identifying pros and cons of globalization.

4 Agenda Do Now (10 mins) Announcements / Hole Punching (5 mins)
Exit Slip Review (15 mins) What is globalization? (15 mins) Globalization Article (35 mins) Globalization Pros and Cons World Regions World Regions Map

5 Announcements -Regions/ Map scale Quiz and Globalization Quiz on Thursday/Friday -World regions Quiz next Monday/Tuesday -Binder Check on Thursday/Friday

6 What is Globalization? Globalization is a lot of things…… But simply put, globalization is the process of changing the world to become more integrated.

7 INTEGRATE: To combine one thing with another so that they become a whole.

8 What is Globalization? Globalization is a long term change towards greater international cooperation and integration in: Economics Politics Ideas Cultural Values Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected.

9 3 Periods of Globalization

10 Globalization 1.0 Globalization 1.0 takes place from 1492-1800.
Why does Globalization 1.0 start in 1492? In 1492, Christopher Columbus first set sail and “discovered” islands in the Caribbean. This opened up trade and interaction between the New World and Old World. Before 1492, the world was a size large. After 1492, it shrunk to a size medium.

11 Globalization 1.0 Globalization 1.0 was all about COUNTRIES and MUSCLES. COUNTRIES led global integration through their MUSCLES. This means that global integration was driven through how much power your country had, and how they could use it to break down barriers and profit from the New World.

12 Globalization 1.0 Pros and Cons
Imperialism Abuse of native populations Slavery Genocide Cultural death Increased knowledge of the world Food exchanges Cultural exchanges More trading

13 Globalization 2.0 Globalization 2.0 happened from 1800-2000.
In Globalization 2.0, MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES drove global integration. Big companies were producing goods and services like never before. Drivers of Change: 1st Half: Powered by cheaper transportation costs (steam engine, railroad) 2nd Half: Cheaper telecommunication costs (telegraph, telephones, personal computers, satellites, fiber-optic cable) THIS IS THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN ECONOMY.

14 Globalization 2.0 During Globalization 2.0, the world shrank from a size medium to a size small.


16 Globalization 2.0 Pros: Cons: Increased access to goods
Faster travel Faster communication Cheap labor Cultural exchange Abusive corporations Outsourcing of jobs Poor working conditions Environmental degradation. Cultural death

17 Globalization 3.0 We are living in Globalization 3.0
Globalization 3.0 began in 2000. Drivers of Change: Individuals with access to the internet through computers and smartphones. Normal people can access information, share information, and create content like never before. INDIVIDUALS ARE GOING GLOBAL.

18 Globalization 3.0 In Globalization 3.0, the world shrank from a size small to a size tiny.


20 Globalization 3.0 Pros: Cons: Individual empowerment across the globe
Increased efficiency and convenience Cultural exchange Empowerment of dangerous groups/individuals Cultural death

21 Globalization Articles

22 World Regions Study and bring maps to school everyday. Quiz on all of the regions next week

23 Exit Ticket With the template provided, please create a pros and cons list for globalization. When you are finished, please write ONE PARAGRAPH about whether or not you think the pros outweigh the cons.

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