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Welcome! October 23rd, 2017 Monday

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1 Welcome! October 23rd, 2017 Monday
Do Now Take a weekly Bell Ringer sheet from the front table. Once the bell rings, we’ll watch a video, and you will have five minutes to respond to the question in at least five sentences. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Click on the link below to watch a video clip
Click on the link below to watch a video clip. Respond in writing by providing your thoughts on the following question: Have you ever surprised someone or been surprised? Explain what happened. © Presto Plans

3 A Branch of Romanticism
Transcendentalism A Branch of Romanticism

4 History of Transcendentalism
In the 1830s, a group of authors, poets, and philosophers decided to take some Romantic concepts a step further, and developed a new branch of Romanticism. They called themselves “Transcendentalists” Transcendentalists got their name from the word “transcend,” which means to get beyond or overcome

5 Basic Beliefs Transcendentalists believed in a higher reality beyond human reasoning, that could only be reached through a connection to nature and intuition (“gut feelings”) Transcendentalists value relying on themselves and seeking spiritual truth over blind conformity to authority, customs, and traditions. Question authority! Transcendentalists believed in the goodness of ALL people, including women and slaves. Were avid supporters or the abolitionist and early feminist movements

6 The Over Soul Transcendentalists have unique spiritual beliefs that centered on the idea of the Over Soul (or Divine Soul). Though they often referred to “God” in their works, they did not believe in God in a traditional sense. Rather, they believed that God, Nature, and Humanity all shared the same “soul,” and were part of the same complex being. All people have access to the Over Soul through their intuition and by seeking understanding.

7 The 10 Tenets of Transcendentalism
Nature = God: We should live close to nature, for it is our greatest teacher. Nature is symbolic, and understanding its "language" and “lessons” can bring us closer to God. In fact, Nature = God. The words Nature, God, Universe, Over-Soul, etc. all mean the same thing. God is omnipresent: God is everywhere and in everything, so there is no need for specific religions or churches. The Transcendentalists did not believe in organized religion because they wanted that direct relationship with God, not one through a pastor or a priest. They thought organized religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.,) were all just made up by people anyway. Man is divine: Since Nature is divine, and we are literally creatures of Nature, we are also divine. Therefore, we have a direct relationship with God. In a sense, we are God or particles of God.

8 The 10 Tenets of Transcendentalism
Intuition: Since God is within us, every person "intuition," an essential understanding of right and wrong (morality). We don’t need to learn morality from so-called holy books, laws, or society. Self-Reliance: Our intuition and natural instincts guide us to do the right things. In nature, we are uncorrupted. It is only when we let society influence us that we start to conform and hence, be corrupted. Society is the source of corruption: We are born pure, but society misguides us and corrupts us as we grow old. Society demands conformity, and conformity kills individuality. If we are all to follow our own free will and listen to our intuition, we would be much better off. We don’t need artificial laws, customs, fashions, or values. Idealism: Human beings are naturally good at their core. Again, it is society that corrupts us. Human beings left to their own devices are good.

9 The 10 Tenets of Transcendentalism
Materialism is bad: Striving for material goods is worthless and an unhealthy pursuit. It is totally superficial. Money is evil because it causes us to place artificial and false value on objects and people. Technology is bad: Advances in technology only caused more problems for society. For example, we built the railroad so we could go, go, go. First of all, we should stay home and get in touch with ourselves. Secondly, now we need people to build the track and make the cars and drive the train and maintain everything. Technology ends up running us and not the other way around. Emphasis on the here and now: The past is unimportant. Knowledge comes from experience. It is not derived from studying the past. We can’t learn anything truly valuable from the past or from the people who lived before us. Their knowledge was based on their experience, and ours should be too. We should not worship anybody or anything that has come before us.

10 Connections to Other Movements
Life is cyclical in nature; both life and death should be respected. People have the power within themselves to understand and commune with God. Transcendentalism God’s beauty and perfect creation is reflected in nature Notice how all of the major movements we’ve studied so far contribute to Transcendentalism.

11 Journal Heading At the top of your paper, you need: Your name 10/7/16
CP10 American Lit/Block “Nature”

12 Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Nature”
Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with being the father of Transcendentalism. First wrote about this concept in his famous essay, “Nature.” Emerson drew attention to transcendentalism by speaking publicly at universities, including Harvard, and inspired multiple followers.

13 Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Nature”
Read through the excerpts from “Nature” on your own, with a partner, or with a group. As you read, be sure to underline and look up any words you do not know - this is the best way to improve your reading vocabulary (and your reading level!) After you read, respond to the reading questions. Be sure to use textual evidence if necessary.  Once you’re finished, you’re welcome to work on your IXL for the week: D.3 and D.4

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