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Europa Prototype for an interactive atlas (flash)

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Presentation on theme: "Europa Prototype for an interactive atlas (flash)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stat@tlas Europa Prototype for an interactive atlas (flash)
Barbara Jeanneret : Eurostat, WPUrban and regional statistics


3 Why this atlas? Regions: Statistical yearbook from Eurostat (CH = grey) International analysis of disparities = one major task of our section spatial analysis Switzerland belongs physically to Europe Show Swiss data in a greater context (link to in preparation)

4 Main objectives and project focus
Interactive and multithematic Atlas on European level with the enclosure of data from Switzerland Development and popularization of the domain „International disparities“ within FSO A fast and attractive information tool for our customers (internal + external) Strong coordination between Analysis and Cartography unit Additional diploma thesis in cartography provides more ressources Cartography going online >> shift from static print maps to user- friendly online appliers

5 Stat@tlas Europa – call (under development)
Later : (2 languages)

6 About the application Flash technology = web standard for interactive and vector-based graphic 2 parts: Frontend for the user Backend : Atlas Content Management System Contact persons : In FSO: Thomas Schulz, cartography unit For flashmapped : Torsten Ullrich (Karlsruhe)

7 Project problems Missing data : in Newcronos and on Swiss level
Data quality : years, comparability Incoherences in data on country level between NUTS0 and NUTS2 in the database of Newcronos Incoherences for some indicators between FSO - Eurostat Crosswork over a lot of themes and indicators >> large know-how and strict coordination with thematic sections is necessary

8 Next steps Atlas online in November 2006, on the FSO internet site
Update foreseen first time in 2007, future intervall every 2 or 3 years New thematics and indicators, new specifications in the product

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