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Character Description

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1 Character Description
Personal Narrative Mini-lesson

2 Character Descriptions
3 elements of Character Description used in Personal Narrative: Appearance: How the character looks. Actions: What the character does. How the character does it. Dialogue: What the character says. How the character says it.

3 Let’s Look at an Example
Granny came walking in the kitchen with an excited face. Her black and gray curly hair bounced up and down while she walked. She went directly to the cabinet still wearing her happy expression. She grabbed her biggest pot and put it on the stove.” “Granny, are you feeling okay?” I asked. “I am feeling great baby. I am cooking my famous greens that will make your soul sing,” she answered. I walked out of the kitchen still watching Granny. She started humming This Little Light of Mine.” I decided to go back. I walked in the kitchen and asked, “Can I help you Granny?” “Of course you can, Baby Girl. As long as you don’t give away my secret recipe. Do we have a deal?” “Deal,” I said.

4 Granny came walking in the kitchen with an excited face
Granny came walking in the kitchen with an excited face. Her black and gray curly hair bounced up and down while she walked. She went directly to the cabinet still wearing her happy expression. She grabbed her biggest pot and put it on the stove.” “Granny, are you feeling okay?” I asked. “I am feeling great baby. I am cooking my famous greens that will make your soul sing,” she answered. I walked out of the kitchen still watching Granny. She started humming This Little Light of Mine.” I decided to go back. I walked in the kitchen and asked, “Can I help you Granny?” “Of course you can, Baby Girl. As long as you don’t give away my secret recipe. Do we have a deal?” “Deal,” I said. Example Analysis What do you notice Arianna did to let the reader know about the character of her granny? How is Granny’s Appearance described? What does Granny do? How does she do it? What does Granny Say? How does she say it?

5 Let’s Practice Together
The principal QUIETLY came into our classroom to tell us there was a surprise in the cafeteria. We lined up and our teacher, WITH A WIDE SMILE ON HER FACE, led us to the cafeteria. Rosie, WAVING HER ARMS WILDLY asked what the surprise was. First, the teacher LOWERED HER VOICE. Next she stopped to tell us EXCITEDLY that the President of the United States was visiting us today. WOW! The principal came into our classroom to tell us there was a surprise in the cafeteria. We lined up and our teacher led us to the cafeteria. Rosie asked what the surprise was. The teacher was quiet. She stopped to tell us that the president of the united states was visiting us today. WOW! The principal QUIETLY came into our classroom to tell us there was a surprise in the cafeteria. We lined up and our teacher, WITH A WIDE SMILE ON HER FACE, led us to the cafeteria. Rosie, WAVING HER ARMS WILDLY asked what the surprise was. First, the teacher LOWERED HER VOICE. Next she stopped to tell us EXCITEDLY that the President of the United States was visiting us today. WOW!

6 Independent Practice NOT A PLUG-IN DAY!
Look over your Rough Draft #2 and place a * next to any person/character mentioned in your story. Choose one, or more, of the characters in your narrative that you would like to focus on. REVISE your story to include more description focusing on Appearance, Actions, and Dialogue. Remember when describing yourself you will use all FIVE (5) elements of Characterization. YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT “CHARACTER” TO UNDERSTAND!

7 Homework: Work on Personal Narrative Story #2 DUE TOMORROW – APRIL 2ND! DON’T FORGET TO PRINT YOUR DRAFT! Work on Soundtrack to My Life selections. Bring your Ipod/MP3 Player and headphones to class tomorrow.

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