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Creative Inventions and Robotics

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1 Creative Inventions and Robotics
Welcome to the Laboratory Welcome to the Build-It-Yourself Laboratory. I’m Seth, chief computer programmer at Build-It-Yourself. I’m John, chief inventor at Build-It-Yourself. Creative Inventions and Robotics

2 and scurrilous scoundrels who make a mess.
Build-It-Yourself Needs You! The Department of Important Inventions is looking for a few smart ladies and some hairy-chested men to save the world from vile villains who build mean machines . . .                       and scurrilous scoundrels who make a mess.                      Build-It-Yourself to Earth … We have some problems! What do you think is the biggest problem in the world today? Do you think there is a machine or a computer that could help solve this problem?

3 The Problem: Many people take life too seriously. All work and no play. How boooooooring!

4 The Problem: Many people take life too seriously. All work and no play. How boooooooring! The Mission: Build a gal robot and a guy robot that can teach humans how to dance and sing and celebrate the fruits of hard work.

5 Presenting Your Ideas
Let’s look at some examples of how important it can be to present your ideas thoughtfully. Image that both bags contain the exact same candy worth $1. Which bag would you buy? Why?

6 Which Lemonade Stand would you visit?
Presenting Your Ideas Both lemonade stands are set up for business next to each other. They sell exactly the same lemonade for exactly the same price. What goes through your head when you are deciding which stand to buy from? Which Lemonade Stand would you visit?

7 Which sign is convincing?
Presenting Your Ideas Which sign is clear? Which sign is concise? Which sign is convincing? Here are two signs that signal an important action. Which sign would you want on street crossways near your home? Why

8 Presenting Your Ideas Ugly Inconsistent Out of bounds
First, make 3 rectangles (or squares) Scribble in the first box. This is the ugly or “I don’t care” way to present your ideas. You’re all over the place, helter skelter, un-disciplined, not paying attention to boundaries or directions.

9 Presenting Your Ideas Ugly Inconsistent Out of bounds Average
In bounds In the next box, draw very careful straight, parallel, consistent lines. You’re cool. You’re making neat, careful moves and playing by the rules.

10 Presenting Your Ideas Ugly Inconsistent Out of bounds Average
In bounds Now color the 3rd box using two colors that dance with each other. You’re thinking outside the box but there’s a basic logic in your moves. You’re breaking ground and operating in a new dimension. You’re adding your creativity. This is the quality that separates you from the robots! You’re looking pretty fine! Way Cool !!! Creative order 3rd dimension

11 Extreme Building Multiple brains are better than one. Share ideas.
There is a new technique for improving productivity at big engineering companies. It’s called ‘Extreme Programming.’ In the old days every engineer had their own computer terminal. In some of today’s most progressive technology companies, teams of 2 –4 engineers share a computer terminal. One types and the others contribute and check ideas. This technique, called Extreme Programming, is proving to be very effective. We will practice this technique.

12 How many people do you think it took to get to the moon?
Extreme Building How many people do you think it took to get to the moon? There is a new technique for improving productivity at big engineering companies. It’s called ‘Extreme Programming.’ In the old days every engineer had their own computer terminal. In some of today’s most progressive technology companies, teams of 2 –4 engineers share a computer terminal. One types and the others contribute and check ideas. This technique, called Extreme Programming, is proving to be very effective. We will practice this technique.

13 Extreme Building How many people do you think it took to get to the moon? There is a new technique for improving productivity at big engineering companies. It’s called ‘Extreme Programming.’ In the old days every engineer had their own computer terminal. In some of today’s most progressive technology companies, teams of 2 –4 engineers share a computer terminal. One types and the others contribute and check ideas. This technique, called Extreme Programming, is proving to be very effective. We will practice this technique. 36,000 people worked for NASA in 1969

14 Let’s Make 4 Teams (2-3 members per team)
Each team member will take turns keyboarding and building. The others will help by sharing ideas. Gather with your teammates around one computer. Open Power Point Create a lab book cover. Build-It-Yourself Lab Book The first names of your teammates. The Duck Team

15 Design Modular Construction An important Build-It-Yourself trick … Build the parts of your solution first. If you glue them all together as you go along, your model will be rigid It may be difficult to move in interesting ways and it may be difficult to modify or fix.

16 Modular Construction Head Torso top Torso bottom Arms Legs Design

17 Assignments Eyes Nose Mouth Hair Arms Legs Body Outfit Gear Train
Design Assignments Eyes Nose Mouth Hair Arms Legs Body Outfit Gear Train Write Song Record Song Edit Program Integrate Present

18 Eyes and Face Start by drawing some BIG eyes.
Development Eyes and Face Start by drawing some BIG eyes. The eyes are very important! They can tell a lot about the soul of your critter. Many artists will often exaggerate the size of eyes. One measure of the quality of a photograph is how well the photographer has focused on the eyes.

19 guitar picks bottle caps wire fishing floats plastic spoons
Development Eyes and Face If you think you’re a hot shot and you want to take it to the next level, you could try making some soulful eyes from your premium quality junk. These eyes are made from: guitar picks bottle caps wire fishing floats plastic spoons

20 Eyes and Face More heads from premium quality junk. Development
nuts, bottle caps, beads, spoons, hair clips, corks, sea shells

21 Hair Try wire, string, feathers or paper. Development

22 plastic bottle, sponge, paper roll, small can
Development Body Use light materials so the motor can move the puppet effortlessly. plastic bottle, sponge, paper roll, small can

23 Hands and Feet Development x2 x2 2.5” 2.5”

24 Hands and Feet You’ll need two hands and two feet. Development
x2 x2 You’ll need two hands and two feet.

25 Hands and Feet Development
12” pipe cleaner or rope

26 Hands and Feet Development
12” pipe cleaner or rope Glue the pipe cleaners or rope between the hands/feet and small elliptical pieces, or use tape.

27 Puppet Support Development Parts and Tools
18” x 2” x 1” pine wood 9” x 6” x 1” pine wood 5” x 3” x 1” pine wood Black carpet thread Coat hanger wire 1.5” sheet rock screws Geared motor

28 Puppet Support Development
Coat hanger wire must be connected to arms on the motor shaft so that they go up and down when the motor turns. Motor Mount

29 Puppet Support Development
Stringing the Puppet The wire from the motor arm must be threaded through … loops in flexible wire arms. Connect puppet parts to the wire that goes up and down with thin, flexible wire so you can adjust the length quickly.

30 Scratch Program Development
You must edit this program so your robot responds to human talk in the following way: Human says, “Ho - la” Robot says, “Hola, Bailas conmigo.” Human says, “EYEEEEEE!” Robot says, “EYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Hombre!” You must also add code so that the background starts black and changes to white when a sound is detected. This background color will trigger the light sensor that controls the motor.

31 Integration Development Puppet Scratch
Program Motor Controller

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