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Ch.10.4 Notes America as a World Power

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1 Ch.10.4 Notes America as a World Power
Assignment #48 OBJECTIVE: Understand U.S. foreign policy under President Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.

2 The Panama Canal Building a passageway between the Pacific & Atlantic was an old idea. Roosevelt felt the U.S. could do it & began immediately. Panamanian revolt vs. Colombia allows U.S. to build unchallenged. Construction begins 1904 finished 1914.

3 Big Stick Diplomacy Teddy Roosevelt “speak softly and carry a big stick” Roosevelt Corollary- an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the U.S. has the right to keep Europe out of Latin America by using military force. Requires a strong navy/military.

4 Dollar Diplomacy William Taft; using economic rather than military power to control Latin America. Money over guns. Nicaragua was near bankruptcy- U.S. banks stepped in to loan money. In return, they controlled railroads, plantations, mines etc.

5 Missionary Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson; expanding on the Monroe Doctrine with a moral tone. The U.S. could deny recognition to any Latin American government they felt were oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business interests.

6 Mexican Revolution Mexican revolution tested Missionary Diplomacy and Wilson stood by his claim. Hostilities between Mexico & U.S. bring them to the brink of war. American intervention in Mexico showed how far the U.S. would go in protecting its economic interests.

7 Ch.10.4 Review Chart U.S. President Foreign Policy Description a.
Big Stick Diplomacy b. Use economic power to control Latin America. c. Woodrow Wilson

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