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© Unicorn Solutions Inc.

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1 © Unicorn Solutions Inc.
O N E E n t e r p r i s e™ Integration Pilot for Water Quality Data supporting the Environmental Protection Agency and Tennessee Valley Authority 1 © Unicorn Solutions Inc. December 3, 2018

2 Introduction to Unicorn® Solutions
US, Delaware Company Headquartered in NYC; Government office in Washington DC Area Global 1000 customers in Government, financial services, insurance, telecom, utilities, banking… 100+ man-year investment in product; 20 patents pending Leader in enterprise architecture & metadata management, Specific solutions for Integrated IT Management (IIM); Integration/SOA; Enterprise Information Integration (EII) Member, US Government CIO’s Emerging Technology Subcommittee Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) XML Community of Practice (XMLCoP) DRM Implementation Through Iteration and Testing Team (IT2) Corporate Investors Sample Customers Partners Awards Analyst Coverage

3 Problem Statement IT keeps the business running but…
Developer IT Manager /Project Manager Data mapper Designer Enterprise Architect Business Analyst Knowledge Worker How do I interrelate information and process architectures How to encourage (or enforce) developer compliance with architecture How do I find systems How do I understand overall data flows, asset dependency How do I find redundancy and make decisions about reengineering How do I capture business vocabulary and processes How do I align IT with the business How do I create schemas compliant with business architecture How do I map data schemas in an accurate and reusable way How do I find business information How do I trace what it means and where it came from How do I find systems How do I understand schemas, interfaces & translate between them How do I get notified & maintain integrity as concepts change IT Runtime Informational IT Operational EII EAI/ Enterprise Services Bus Apps Hardware PC, mainframe network Web Services BPM/ Business Process Orchestration Data RDBMS, COBOL, XSD,… Content BI/ Reports ETL Xform Logic DW/ Marts Portal Data abstraction (views) Data federation Compliance Finance Operations Channel Customer The Business Product IT keeps the business running but… Cannot achieve business goals of transparency, integration, agility, efficiency, while: IT has thousands of incompatible data resources & applications Dozens of middleware instances No clear catalog (metadata) of IT assets, structures, interdependencies No consistent business architecture No automatic support for developers (discovery, code generation, impact analysis, change notification…) No automatic support for IT managers (portfolio management, redundancy analysis,…) No business metadata for IT analysts

4 Pilot Outline Problem Solution Provide Support to Run-time environment
Water Quality Data from EPA and TVA must to integrated and shared Common Model Agencies must share the data Data is in different formats, structures, etc Solution Design environment Import the data through the metamodel (based on DRM) Map to an ontology (based on OWL) Store in a RDB (based on JDBC) Provide Support to Run-time environment Enterprise Information Integration Data Warehouse Web-Services Business Intelligence tools Proprietary tools

5 Integration Pilot Benefits
IT Governance Standards Management IT Management – End to end picture of IT for CIO portal (business line, business function) IT Managers (Budget) Analysts (impact analysis), etc. Integration Data integration for SOA Implementing data standards Metadata for integration: data, process, operational Enterprise Information Management Compliance Single view of the customer; master data IT Reuse Artifact reuse Cross stack reuse – reuse of mapping and definitions across different applications

6 The Unicorn System™ for ONE Enterprise™
Information Technology Subsidiary Customer Acquired Co. Product Unicorn System™: Enterprise Architecture & Metadata Management Unicorn Universal Repository™ The Business Compliance Finance Operations Channel Customer Product Govern Manage Apply Map Architect Analyze Metadata: Catalog of IT Apps DW / BI Data UDEF Services Processes Portal Enterprise Architecture COMMON BUSINESS PROCESSES ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES COMMON BUSINESS LANGUAGE Ontology Model SEMANTIC MAPPING Product Customer Channel Compliance Finance Operations

7 Universal Enterprise Metadata Repository (v4)
Unicorn Workbench Unicorn Web Interface & Dashboards Eclipse Plug-ins (future) Reporting & Visualization API Relational Views Unicorn Universal Enterprise Repository Scanner Application Asset Enterprise Architecture Metamodel Scanner Data Asset Enterprise Architecture Ontological Repository Application Management Security Management Database Management Operations Management Infrastructure Management Service Management RDBMS Semantic Mapping

8 Semantic Enterprise Information Management
Capture common business language & reusable business information rules in ontology model Map every data schema once only to ontology model Captures data’s business semantics in a reusable way Elevate from data to business information Replace n2 point-to-point mapping Source of ontology Industry standards, off-the-shelf industry models Reverse engineering existing schemas and models Original ontology modeling in Unicorn Features Schema generation and sub-setting – create new schemas based on corporate standards Standards management: manage industry standards and their versions and extensions Semantic discovery: find & classify data based on meaning; find data redundancies Semantic comparison: compare/translate between data formats based on meaning Semantic EII: federate data into a virtual business database (using third party EII tool) All point-to-point mappings are inferred and updated on demand Technical Data Metadata RDBMS schemas Flat files, EDI COBOL Copybooks XSD and WSDLs Application interfaces SEMANTIC MAPPING Ontology Model Business Info. Rules COMMON BUSINESS LANGUAGE

9 Roles Contribute Consume CIO Architect Architect PM PM PM Analyst
Business Priorities &definitions of critical indicators Integrated view by business line, business function, project, risk areas Architect Architect EA Artifacts, standards and documentation, business Dictionaries, design documentation “As Is” vs. “To Be” view of IT PM PM PM Budget information, project timelines, project dependencies, Dependency analysis, reuse and scoping information Analyst Analyst Analyst Analyst Mappings and detailed design, data Schemas, data Analysis Documentation, existing mappings, architectural standards Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Schemas and other code components, generated schemas, standards, Code, defect information, documentation Helpdesk Helpdesk Helpdesk Helpdesk Helpdesk Helpdesk Ticket information, FAQ information Impact analysis, priority information

10 Differentiators of the Unicorn System™
Universal Repository: Graphical run-time extensibility of repository structure (metamodel) to accommodate every aspect of IT (configuration management, metadata, business architecture, ITIL,…) Multiples user levels: Supports CIO dashboard and business analyst down to active services for developers Semantics: Ability to map disparate data formats to a common information model (ontology) Information-on-demand: Data queries and transformations can be inferred automatically from semantic mapping Metadata management: Mapping & federating/consolidating metadata sources Modern technical architecture: J2EE, OS & RDBMS independent, open APIs, JSP Web Interface, plug-and-play metadata adapters Standards-compliance: OMG MOF/XMI/CWM, OWL, DMTF/CIM, Eclipse… Enterprise readiness: Scalability, collaboration, permissions, versioning,… Metadata adapter library: Rich library from Unicorn and partners; SDK MOF XML OWL Standards RDF/S XSLT ISO11179 equivalent

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